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Refill Cycle/Low Water Safety Cycle – "GM", "COMP", and "WTRIN" LEDs are on.
As ice is produced, the water level in the reservoir drops. UF/S opens. Nothing happens
at this time. When LF/S opens, WV energizes, 90-second low water safety timer (fill
timer) starts. GMR (X2 on CB), GM, GMPR, EH, PDS, MC, Comp, and FMR continue.
When LF/S closes, nothing happens at this time. When UF/S closes, WV de-energizes,
90-second low water safety timer (fill timer) terminates, and 30-minute freeze timer
If UF/S remains open 90 seconds after WV energizes (LF/S opens) (fill timer
exceeded), a 90-second shutdown cycle starts. CB X1 relay de-energizes, de-
energizing PDS. Refrigeration circuit low-side pressure drops to 9 PSIG, opening
CLPS. CLPS opens de-energizing MC, Comp, and FMR. CB signals a 1-beep alarm
every 5 seconds. 90-second purge timer starts. GMR (X2 on CB), GM, GMPR, and EH
continue. 90-second purge timer terminates, GMR (X2 on CB), GM, GMPR, and EH
de-energizes. WV and 1-beep alarm continue until UF/S closes.
Diagnosis – Check that "WTRIN" LED is on. If not, check that LF/S is open. See "IV.E.
Float Switch Check and Cleaning." If LF/S is open and "WTRIN" LED is off, CB is bad
and must be replaced. If "WTRIN" LED is on, check that the reservoir fills. If not, check
for water supply line shut-off valve closed, clogged water filters, and clogged WV screen.
Next, check 24VAC to WV from CB K2 connector pin #8 white/brown (W/BR) wire to a
light blue (LBU) neutral wire. Check for continuity through WV solenoid. If open, replace
WV. If WV is energized and refill exceeds 90-second low water safety timer (fill timer)
with no water in the reservoir, check for DV leaking. If reservoir is full and overflowing
check that UF/S closes. If not, check UF/S continuity, red (R) wire to black (BK) wire.
Clean or replace if necessary. See "IV.E. Float Switch Check and Cleaning."
Note: Each time UF/S closes, 30-minute freeze timer starts. The 30-minute freeze timer
resets when UF/S closes again. If UF/S does not close again within 30 minutes,
CB shuts down the unit and sounds a 5-beep alarm every 5 seconds. See
"II.C.2. LED Lights and Audible Alarm Safeties."
Shutdown – See "IV.D. Bin Control Check."
CB–control board; CLPS–control low-pressure switch; Comp–compressor;
DV–drain valve; EH–evaporator heater; FMR–fan motor-remote;
GM–gear motor; GMPR–gear motor protect relay; GMR–gear motor relay;
HM–headmaster; HPS–high-pressure switch; IS–infrared sensor; LF/S–lower
float switch;
MC–magnetic contactor; MBC–mechanical backup bin control;
PDS–pump-down solenoid valve; SLPS–safety low-pressure switch;
UF/S–upper float switch; WV–inlet water valve