Honeywell BEDIX/KING GPS RNAV User Manual

Page 138

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Page C-6


Rev 5, April/2003

GPS Page/Laptop Messages

GPS Message


Suggested Action

Altitude Fail

Indicates a missing or
erroneous altitude.

The altitude input on

the gray code input from
the encoder is wrong.

The GPS is configured

for IFR, and there is no
altitude source avail-

The altitude from the encoder may be in error due
to a miswire or the absence of isolation diodes be-
tween the encoder and the transponder.
If the GPS is configured for IFR, it must have a
valid altitude. Verify the presence of altitude on
the Self-Test or NAV 4 Page.

ARINC 429 Air
Data Fail

There is no ARINC 429
data at the Air Data 429
input port.

The Air Data source is not providing 429 data to
the GPS.
If no source of ARINC 429 data is interfaced, the
receiver input should be jumpered back to the
Main Transmitter.
The software and hardware of the KLN 90B are in-
compatible. Refer to Service Bulletin KLN 90B-2.

ure: Icxxxx

Indicates a detected
EEPROM failure in ei-
ther the GPS unit or the
database cartridge.

If the xxxx field is:

1xxx - indicates a failure in the processor in the

KLN 90/A/B GPS unit.

03xx/04xx - indicates a failure in the processor in

the KLN 90/A/B database cartridge.

NAV Superflag

Indicates an internal
test of the NAV Super-
flag output failed.

When the flag is supposed to be valid, it should
reach a minimum voltage. Usually a failure is due
to overloading the output. The output can be test-
ed when the Self-Test Page is displayed.

RAIM position er-
Cross check posi-

RAIM is a method of cal-
culating integrity in the
GPS position. It calcu-
lates the position multi-
ple times using different
sets of satellites and
compares the answers.
If they have excessive
difference, the message

It could be one of the following, in the order of
1. This probably is a GPS receiver failure. Cross
check your position by other means of navigation.
Return for service.
2. The GPS detected a problem with one of the
satellites, and cannot be assured that the unit it-
self is within IFR limits.