HandHeld Entertainment Quick Check PC600 User Manual

Page 56

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minimum reflectivity difference: The difference between the smallest
minimum space reflectance value and the largest maximum bar reflectance value
as measured across the entire symbol; where: MAD = Min (As min) - Max (Ab
max), As = Minimum Space Reflectance, Ab = Maximum Bar Reflectance . Bar,
space, and MAD reflectances can be expressed as percentages or in decimal
form. If the reflectance of the bars is determined to be 2%, and the reflectance of
the spaces is determined to be 90%, then the MAD equals 88%. MAD = 90% -
2% = 88%.

misread (bad read): A disparity between the data encoded in a bar code
symbol and the data output from a bar code reader. The error will not be
detected by test routines in the decode algorithm. The output data may
erroneously correspond with valid data. See “substitution error.” Compare to

modular symbology: A machine-readable symbology in which symbol
characters are composed of elements the nominal widths of which are integer
multiples of the X dimension or module width. See “module,” “(n,k) symbology.”

modulation (MOD): The ratio of minimum edge contrast (ECmin) to symbol
contrast (SC). MOD = ECmin /SC

module: (1) The narrowest nominal width unit of measure in a symbol. In
certain symbologies, element widths may be specified as multiples of one
module. Equivalent to “X dimension.” (2) A single cell in a matrix symbology
used to encode one bit of data. In MaxiCode the module shape is a regular
hexagon. In Data Matrix the module shape is nominally square. In PDF417 the
module shape is a regular rectangle. In bar code symbologies the module shape
is a regular rectangle.

modulo: Usually used in the form Modulo-10, Modulo-103, and the like. The
type of algorithm used to calculate the check digit for certain bar code symbols.

mouse wand: see “wand scanner”, “light scanner”.

multi-row symbol; stacked symbol: Symbologies where a long message is
broken into sections and "stacked' one upon another similar to sentences in a
paragraph, for example, PDF417. Compare to “linear symbol”.

N (wide to narrow ratio): In symbologies with two element widths, the wide to
narrow ratio of elements is established by summing the average wide bar width
and average wide space width and dividing the sum by 2 times Z. Intercharacter
gaps, if applicable, are not included.

N = (average wide bar + average wide space) / (2*Z)

(n, k) symbology: A class of machine-readable symbologies in which each
symbol character is “n” modules in width and is composed of “k” bar and space
pairs. A subset of these is the n,k,m class of symbologies, where “m” represents