HandHeld Entertainment Quick Check PC600 User Manual

Page 16

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If you have more than one Wand or Mouse Wand, select the one that
most closely matches the size of the symbols you will be verifying. (See
Help Topics or “Choose the Right Wand” under the “Using Quick Check


PC” for Aperture Size recommendations or refer to page 22.)

Disable virus checkers (BIOS and software)

NOTE: Although there should be no problem installing Quick Check



software with virus-checking software, you may wish to disable any anti virus
software (BIOS and programs) running on your system as a precaution.

To ensure sufficient systems resources are available, exit all other programs

before installing or running Quick Check


PC Software.

Insert the Quick Check


PC CD ROM into your PC.

Windows: From the Windows Taskbar, select “Start”, “Run

Type D:\setup and click “OK”. (Note, if your CD is not drive “D” then you

should type that letter instead of “D”.)

In Windows you can also use the “Add/Remove Programs” control panel.

From the Taskbar select: “Start”, “Settings”, “Control Panel”, “Add/Remove

The Install program will install the Quick Check


PC software onto your hard

drive. You will have the option of selecting an alternate location or
folder/directory name for installation. If you choose this option, be sure to make
a note of the location you selected for future reference.

Once installation is complete, remove the Quick Check


CD ROM and re-

enable any virus checkers.

1. Turn on the interface module (press the Power button).

2. Start the Quick Check


PC software.

Double-click the Quick Check


PC icon in the QCPC600 window to start the

Quick Check


PC software. Or

In Windows, start Windows Explorer or click on My Computer and locate
the QCPC32 folder. The default location is C:\Program Files\ Hand
Held Products\QCPC
. Double click the folder to open it then double-
click QCPC32.EXE.

3. Select the Com port.

Click the “Configure” icon or select Settings, Configure from the
command menu. Select the proper Com port, click “OK” to close the
menu. Quick Check


PC default is “No Com Port” on installation.

In order to verify symbols, the Quick Check


PC needs a baseline measurement.

The Setup Symbol provided with your Quick Check


PC is carefully produced