Endurance extreme – Horizon Fitness Avalon Series User Manual

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endurance extreme


endurance extreme




Your elliptical is powered by a power supply. The power supply must be
plugged into the power jack, which is located in the front of the machine
near the front foot tube.


The elliptical trainer should be level for optimum use. Once you have
placed the elliptical trainer where you intend to use it, raise or lower the
adjustable levelers located on the bottom of the rear base frame. Once
you have leveled the elliptical trainer, lock the levelers in place by tight-
ening the wing nuts against the frame.


Are the sounds my Elliptical Trainer makes normal?
Our elliptical trainers are some of the quietest available because they use belt
drives and friction free magnetic resistance. We use the highest grade bearings
and belts to minimize noise. However, because the resistance system itself is so
quiet, you will occasionally hear other slight mechanical noises. Unlike older,
louder technologies, there are no fans, friction belts, or alternator noises to mask
these sounds on our elliptical trainers. These mechanical noises, which may or
may not be intermittent, are normal and are caused by the transfer of significant
amounts of energy to a rapidly spinning flywheel. All bearings, belts and other
rotating parts will generate some noise which will transmit through the casing
and frame. It is also normal for these sounds to change slightly during a work-
out and over time because of thermal expansion of the parts.

Why is the Elliptical Trainer I had delivered louder than the one at the
All fitness products seem quieter in a large store showroom because there is
generally more background noise than in your home. Also, there will be less
reverberation on a carpeted concrete floor than on a wood overlay floor.
Sometimes a heavy rubber mat will help reduce reverberation through the floor.
If a fitness product is placed close to a wall, there will be more reflected noise.

How long will the drive belt last?
The computer modeling we have done indicated virtually thousands of mainte-
nance free hours. Belts are now commonly used in far more demanding appli-
cations such as motorcycle drives.

Can I move the trainer easily once it is assembled?
Your Horizon Fitness Elliptical Trainer has a pair of transport wheels built into the
front legs. It is easy to move your Elliptical Trainer by rolling it on the front trans-
port wheels. It is important that you place your Horizon Fitness Elliptical Trainer
in a comfortable and inviting room. Your Elliptical Trainer is designed to use min-
imal floor space. Many people will place their Elliptical Trainers facing the TV or
a picture window. If at all possible, avoid putting your Elliptical Trainer in a unfin-
ished basement. To make exercise a desirable daily activity for you, the Elliptical
Trainer should be in a attractive setting.

The most important maintenance step is to simply wipe your perspiration off of
the machine after each use. If is recommended to use soap and water to clean
your machine. Never use solvents on the plastic pieces.

endurance extreme owner’s guidev1.0.qxd 10/3/2002 12:14 PM Page 6