HP S20 User Manual
Page 41

photo scanner
A computer peripheral capable of converting photographs into electronic images which can
then be displayed, adjusted, and stored by a computer, as well as printed from a computer.
photo scanner calibration
The process that adjusts the color or black and white values in a scanned image to compensate
for the effects a photo scanner has on the image. The HP PhotoSmart S20 photo scanner is
automatically calibrated each time either mounted film or a film strip is scanned, but must be
periodically calibrated for prints using the photo scanner’s calibration card. See also
photo sleeve
The white card with a clear cover attached which is used for inserting small prints (smaller
than 2 inches x 2 inches, or 50 mm x 50 mm) or paper clippings (such as magazine or
newspaper clippings) into the HP PhotoSmart S20 photo scanner for scanning. (The photo
sleeve is packaged in the special pocket inside the back cover of this Basics guide.)
USB connector
The orientation of a photograph or image that is taller than it is wide. (If it is
wider than it is tall, then it has a landscape orientation.)
A photograph produced from print film. You can use a print no larger than 5 inches x 7 inches,
or 127 mm x 178 mm, to create a scanned image via the HP PhotoSmart S20 photo scanner.
Prints that are smaller than 2 inches x 2 inches, or 50 mm x 50 mm, may be scanned by the
S20 photo scanner if they are inserted in the photo sleeve. See also
photo sleeve
The main computing unit of a computer. The HP PhotoSmart S20 photo scanner requires a PC
with a Pentium or equivalent processor.
A transparent photograph produced on a frame of 35 mm slide film. You can use either a
mounted, single-frame slide or a multiple-frame, slide film strip (up to 5 frames at a time) to
create one scanned image or several scanned images, respectively, via the HP PhotoSmart
S20 photo scanner. See also
film strip
mounted film
mounted slide
, and
slide strip
slide strip
Transparent photographs produced on frames (a strip) of 35 mm slide film. You can use a slide
strip (up to 5 frames at a time) to create scanned images via the HP PhotoSmart S20 photo
scanner. See also
film strip
negative strip
, and