Technical data – Husqvarna 536 LIL User Manual
Page 25

English – 25
EC-declaration of conformity (Applies to Europe only)
We, Husqvarna AB, SE-561 82 Huskvarna, Sweden, tel: +46-36-146500, declare that the battery lawn trimmers
Husqvarna 536 LiL, 536 LiR with serial numbers dating from 2012 onwards (the year is clearly stated on the rating plate,
followed by the serial number), comply with the requirements of the COUNCIL’S DIRECTIVE:
- of May 17, 2006 ”relating to machinery” 2006/42/EC
- of December 15, 2004 ”relating to electromagnetic compatibility” 2004/108/EC.
- of May 8, 2000 ”relating to the noise emissions in the environment” 2000/14/EC.
- of December 12, 2006 ”relating to electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits” 2006/95/EC.
- of September 6, 2006 ”on batteries and accumulators and waste batteries and accumulators” 2006/66/EC.
Notified body 0404, SMP Svensk Maskinprovning AB, Fyrisborgsgatan 3, SE-754 50 Uppsala, Sweden, has performed
conformity assessment according to Annex VI of Directive 2000/14/EC and issued a certificate with the number:
VDE-Prûf- und Zertifizerungsinstitut GmbH, Meriansstrasse 28, DE-63069 Offenbach (Am Main), Germany, has
performed voluntary type examination on behalf of Husqvarna AB.
For information relating to noise emissions, see the Technical data chapter.
The following standards have been applied:
EN 60335-1, IEC 60335-2-91, EN 62133, EN 60335-2-29, EN ISO 11806
Huskvarna 7 may 2012
Bengt Frögelius, Development manager (Authorized representative for Husqvarna AB and responsible for technical