BendixKing KLN 90B User Manual
Page 9

updated on the Self Test page when power is first applied to the KLN 90B
and on the Altitude page each time a new baro correction is made to the
aircraft’s altimeter. The altimeter baro setting may be changed at a later
time from inches to millibars (or vice versa) on the SET 7 page. The
altimeter baro set field will not be a cursor field if the KLN 90B is inter-
faced to certain air data/altimeter systems which update the baro set field
when the aircraft’s altimeter baro setting is updated.
To enter the correct baro setting, rotate the right inner knob to select the
first two digits of the correct altimeter setting. Rotate the right outer knob
one step clockwise to move the flashing cursor over the third position.
Use the right inner knob to select the correct number. Use the right outer
and inner knobs to complete the baro setting. Now press
E. With the
correct altimeter setting entered, the altitude displayed on line 4 should be
correct within 100 feet.
• Use the right outer knob to position the cursor over APPROVE (if the
cursor is not there already) and press
E to approve the Self Test page.
(Note: If the KLN 90B is installed for VFR only operation, a VFR only
warning page is displayed after the self test page has been approved.
This warning page must be acknowledged by pressing E. If the KLN
90B has an external GPS CRS switch and the switch is in the OBS posi-
tion, then an OBS warning page will be presented after the self test page
has been approved. Press the GPS CRS button to put the unit into the
LEG mode. After the GPS CRS button indicates LEG, then the KLN 90B
will continue the start-up process.)
• The screen will now display the Database page, which shows the date
the database expires or the date on which it expired. Press
E to
WARNING: The accuracy of the database information is assured
only if it is used before the expiration date. Use of out of date data-
base information is done entirely at the user’s own risk.
• The NAV 2 page (present position) will now be displayed on the left side
of the screen and the waypoint page for the last active waypoint (before
the KLN 90B was last turned off) will be displayed on the right side. If
the last active waypoint was an airport, the the APT 4 page (airport com-
munications) will be displayed on the right side.
• When the KLN 90B is ready to navigate, the NAV 2 page will display the
present position both in terms of latitude/longitude and in terms of the
radial and distance from a nearby VOR.