hussmann GSVM User Manual
Page 5

The procedure is repeated on the op-
posite end. When the leg levelers are in
place, the case may be slid off the skid and
placed in its final location.
The cabinet must be leveled properly
to insure full drainage of condens ate water
from the evaporator coil. Level the case
from front to rear and end to end. Stan-
dard levelers , packed ins ide the case, or op-
tional legs can be provided for this purpose.
Once the case is properly leveled, the
case should be sealed to the floor as shown
in the following drawing, using an NSF ap-
proved material such as General Electric
RTV-102 silicone sealer or equivalent.
The louvered access panel on the
lower front of the case provides access to
the condensing unit, electrical box and con-
densate pan. Remove panel by removing
screw at bottom and lifting up and pulling
Remote draining is not required in
self-contained models. The condensate
water from the evaporator drains out
through the bottom of the cabinet,
through a copper trap attached to the un-
derside and into the condensing unit com-
partment to a heated condensate pan.
Until this trap gets filled with wa-
ter from the initi al defrost, there may be a
small fros t buildup in the coil area on
startup, which should disappear after the
first defrost. The pan uses a thermistor to
sense the presence of water in the pan and
adjusts the amount of heat required to
evaporate the w ater.
If required by Health Inspectors
the levelers can be removed and replaced
with NSF Approved legs to raise the cas e 6
inches for cleaning purposes. An optional
skirt kit can be provided to clip on to the
The serial plate is located on the in-
terior top wall of the cabinet towards the
left end. It contains all pertinent informa-
tion s uch as model, cabinet serial number,
amperage rating, refrigerant type and
charge, etc. This information will be
needed to install, service, or order parts
for this piece of equipment.