Optional cartridge loading – Hafler IRIS User Manual

Page 15

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and pull the cover off.

2) The battery polarities are clearly marked in the plastic holder,
visible when the batteries are removed.

1) Remove the 4 screws on the bottom cover of the transmitter,

Carefully observing these polarity markings, replace all 4

3) Check IMMEDIATELY for normal transmitter operation by
observing the RED transmitter indicator. It should now flash

4) Replace the bottom cover, making sure to orient it for the
screw pattern, and replace the 4 screws.



The preamplifier must always be UNPLUGGED from AC before

For Qualified

removing its cover. Full AC line voltage is present at numerous

Personnel only

locations inside the unit.

Optional cartridge loading is a “fine-turning” matter, and many
cartridges work quite well without it. ONLY a cartridge’s
manufacturer can provide proper recommendations for this
process, as every cartridge is different. And ONLY you can say

for sure whether or not it produces meaningful sonic improve-

ment-for you. For those who wish to change the factory
installed loading, we have included a very flexible system which
automatically switches loading components when MM or MC is

Your preamplifier has been supplied with 100 ohm resistors and
220 pF capacitors installed in the appropriate sockets. While

these values are suitable for most cartridges, you may wish to

alter them as described below.

Remove the 4 screws under the unit which securethetopcover,

and slide it off, to the rear. The diagram below shows how to cut,

form and plug-in optional loads. Observe carefully which sock-

ets are for MM (capacitors) and for MC (resistors).