Hafler IRIS User Manual
Page 14

sx (Serial
eXternal KEY
The rear of the IRIS receiver card has a recessed, keyed male
connector which carries needed digital signals for allowing the
IRIS system to be connected to coming Hafler IRIS-compatible
accessories, in a manner similar to which dispersed computer
terminals can share the same data lines without confusion.
The TUNER legend commands already on the remote will
automatically route to the soon coming IRIS-compatible TUNER,
after you have selected TUNER, if it is powered. Similar logic
exists on the CD selection. The CLR (CLeaR) KEY allows you
to return to normal preamplifier input selection.
A STEADY flashing of the MUTE LED tells you that automatic
command out-routing is in effect. If RECORD SECURITY is also
ineffect, the INTERRUPTED flashing will override the STEADY
flashing, telling you that IRIS refuses to enter TUNER (or CD)
changes from the remote, during recording.
This KEY is included to minimize the risk of system obsoles-
cence by allowing for future accessories which may require
more detailed instructions than can be provided by IRIS’ usual
easy single keystroke commands.
You can preview this operation, and also observe the STEADY
MUTE LED flashing discussed above, by KEYing SX and
following with any sequence of the top 8 KEYS depressed within
3 second intervals.
All IRIS-compatible accessories will also have a similar (syn-
chronously) flashing indicator showing when they are RE-
SPONDING to out-routed commands.
The RED (Completed-Frame) indicator, on the transmitter, is
arranged to grow dimmer rapidly, when batteries are approach-
ing end-of-life. Even though the remote will still work, its range
will be less and corrosion could begin to set in-if this condition
is left too long.
Replacement batteries: (4) AA type, preferably Alkaline.