Hafler IRIS User Manual
Page 12

V/B Control
Note: The touching of BOTH knobs simultaneously will some-
times inhibit operation of the touch-sensing system. The knob-
touch system overrides any KEY-type command-so that KEY
commands will not transmit, if you are accidentally touching
either knob.
The transmission of analog control positions to the preamplifier
works much like the process used in digital recording and
playback. Duringeachof these 1/8-second transmission frames,
the transmitter takes an Analog-to-Digital (A/D) conversion of
the BALANCE knob position, transmits it twice, in different
forms, then takes an A/D conversion of the VOLUME knob
position, and similarly transmits it, then flashes the RED
(Completed-Frame) LED at the top of the remote transmitter.
During the same 1/8 second, the receiver carefully checks the
incoming BALANCE code-format, loads the BALANCE data
into a temporary storage register, then carefully checks the
VOLUME code-format, and if BOTH pass ALL checks, finally
sends both data sets to Digital-to-Analog (D/A) conversion
overriding the analog DC Voltages of the preamplifier’s knobs
to the CYBER-OPTIC attenuator system.
To give you completely natural and safe analog command of
VOLUME and BALANCE at both preamplifier panel and re-
mote, IRIS automatically transfers control authority immedi-
ately to whichever knob-set you use. Control stays there until
you use the other set of knobs.
At preamplifier power-up, V/B control always reverse to the
preamplifier’s knobs, because the unpowered preamplifierdoes
not “remember” previously entered remote data. The green
panel V/B LED lights, indicating this PANEL V/B mode.
This indicator is also used in a bright FLASHING mode to
indicate each new arrival of valid V/B data from the remote. The
preamplifier automatically transfers to the V/B settings of the
remote knobs on the FIRST flash of this indicator. After the
transmission, this indicator will then remain UNLIGHTED,
indicating that V/B control has moved from the preamplifier
PANEL knob settings to those of the REMOTE knobs.
V/B control will return to the preamplifier’s knobs if either is
slightly TURNED-indicated by the V/B LED returning to its
statically LIGHTED state.