Husky H1600 User Manual
Page 21

PRoBLeM oR conceRn PossiBLe cause
Leaking water from bottom
of unit
Manifold Assembly is leaking
Remove the front cover of the unit. If there is
water leaking anywhere from the Manifold
please contact us at:
[email protected]
or order a replacement directly online at:
Pump housing is leaking water Email us at:
[email protected]
for assistance.
Low pressure
Faucet not fully open or unit is
not receiving a full volume of
Open the faucet all the way.
Not building maximum
Screen Filter is clogged
Clean the Screen filter as instructed in the
section 6..
Irregular pressure
Gun or Hose failure
Replace Gun and/or Hose. Contact us at:
[email protected]
or order online at:
kink in the Garden Hose or Hose
is wrapped on a storage wheel
Unwrap the Garden Hose and lay it out flat to
ensure that there are no kinks in the Hose.
Water leaking from either Hose
or Unit
Stop water from leaking before using the unit or
contact us if you need assistance.
Garden Hose length is too long Shorten the length of the Garden Hose.
We recommend a maximum length of 5 to 50
feet for City water supply and 0 feet for Well
water supply.
Clogged Nozzle
Clean the Nozzle as instructed in section 6..
Air in Pump
Let Pressure washer run with Gun trigger depressed
and Wand removed until a steady stream of water
is released.
No Wand attached to the front
of the Gun
Attach Click-N-Clean
Wand to the front of the
Gun. (High Pressure is created with the Wand
and not the Gun).
No water coming out of
Clogged Nozzle
Clean Nozzle as instructed in section 6..
Sceen Filter is clogged
Clean the Sceen filter as instructed in section 6..
kink in the Garden Hose or Hose
is wrapped on a storage wheel
Unwrap the Garden Hose and lay it out flat to
ensure that there are no kinks in the Hose.