Hubbell Electric Heater Company J User Manual

Page 24

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Before performing any maintenance procedure, make certain the power supply is turned OFF
and cannot accidentally be turned on.

The water heater is automatic in its operation. It will maintain a full tank of water at the
temperature setting of the controller. The water heater should not be turned on without first
making sure that the tank is full of water and that all air has been released.

The tank should be fully drained in the event the electricity has been turned off and if there
is danger of freezing.

NOTE: All controller variables come preset from the factory to include a preset temperature
of 185°F.

1. To turn unit on or off:

a. Press the ON/OFF button on the display module.
b. Note that the controller will resume its last mode of operation if power is


2. To change setpoint temperature (the temperature is fully adjustable from 32° to 194°F


a. Press the UP and DOWN arrows simultaneously to enter setpoint change mode.
b. Press the UP or DOWN button to change the setpoint temperature.
c. Pressing and holding the UP or DOWN button will scroll through the setpoint


d. To leave setpoint change mode

i. Wait 5 seconds without pushing any buttons or press the UP and DOWN

buttons simultaneously.

3. To view the number of operational hours (the number of hours when a contactor is

pulled in) and software version:

a. Press the UP and DOWN arrows simultaneously to enter setpoint change mode.
b. Press the ON/OFF button.
c. Display will flash the software version (e.g. R14), HRS, followed by the hours

in thousands of hours, followed by the hours.

i. Example: r14, HrS, 123, 456; indicates software version R1.4 and

123,456 hours.

d. To leave operational hours mode

i. Wait 5 seconds without pushing any buttons or press the UP and DOWN

buttons simultaneously.

4. Configuration Menu. (NOTE: Configuration menu change should only be made by

qualified personnel).

a. To enter the configuration menu, press and hold the UP, DOWN, and ON/OFF

buttons simultaneously for 5 seconds.

b. To scroll through menu settings, press the ON/OFF button.
c. To make a change to a menu setting use either the UP or DOWN arrow.
d. Settings:

i. Relays – sets the number of magnetic contactors used in the heater.

1. r##, where ## is the number of magnetic contactors (01 or 02).

ii. Low water detection – sets the low water detection on or off.

1. LOn, for low water on. (Factory Default)