Edelbrock 1813 User Manual
Page 4

Check and prepare carburetor for proper vacuum fitting installation
(EGR, power brakes, PCV, distributor, transmission, etc.) using
supplied vacuum caps, “T”, and hose when applicable. If vacuum
port at rear of carb is not used, plug with the 1/4" pipe plug
On electric choke models
(See Fig. 7), remove one choke housing
retaining screw and install eyelet end of choke ground wire (black)
to choke housing and reinstall screw. Connect clip end of choke
ground wire to negative (–) spade terminal on choke housing.
Compare throttle arm of your new carburetor with the old one to be
sure that all required linkages will hook up. Install proper throttle
and transmission linkage for your particular application. Throttle
stud is removable and must be installed in the proper location.
Chrysler vehicles with automatic transmission will require Throttle
Lever Kit #1481. Ford vehicles with automatic transmission and
cable linkage will require Throttle Lever Kit #1483
(See Fig. 6) and
Throttle Cable Plate Kit #1490 (for 289-302), #1491 (for 351-W),
#1493 (for 351-C & 351-M/400), or #1495 (for 429/460).
Prior to removal make sure that the engine is cool.
Disconnect negative battery cable from battery.
Remove air cleaner. Be sure to carefully disconnect any hoses from
the air cleaner and note their location for re-installation. You may
want to mark them with masking tape for easy reference.
Disconnect throttle linkage, kickdown linkage (certain automatic
transmission applications only), cruise control (if equipped) and any
return springs, if present.
NOTE: Check carefully for the precise location of all these
linkages and return springs. You may want to mark them
with masking tape for easy reference.
Disconnect all wires, tubes and hoses from carburetor and note
their location.
NOTE: There should be a maximum of one wire to the
electric choke and one to the idle compensator solenoid (If
applicable). Any other electrical wiring attached to your
carburetor indicates a computer controlled engine, and any
Edelbrock carburetor will not function correctly on computer
controlled applications.
Disconnect the heater tube from the choke housing (if so equipped).
Edelbrock carburetor do not use the hot air style choke, so this tube
may be left disconnected with no problems. If you want to cover
this opening on a stock intake manifold, you may be able to use the
appropriate Edelbrock choke adapter plate: #8901 for small-block
Chevrolets; #8961 for big-block Chevrolets; #8951 for Oldsmobile
V8s; #8971 for 351-M/400 Fords; #8981 for 351-W Fords.
Carefully remove fuel line from carburetor. TAKE EXTREME CARE
NOT TO SPILL ANY EXCESS FUEL. Place a rag underneath the fuel
line to absorb any spillage that may occur. Certain models require
two wrenches to remove the fuel line; one to hold the fitting on the
carburetor and the second to turn the fitting on the fuel line. Use a
tubing wrench to avoid rounding the tube fitting nut.
Remove mounting nuts or bolts and washers. Be sure to put them
where they won't fall into the intake manifold upon carburetor
Remove carburetor, being careful not to spill any dirt into the intake
manifold. Immediately place a clean rag into the manifold to keep
foreign objects out.
10. Remove old mounting gasket and thoroughly clean mounting
surface. Compare old carb gasket to gasket included with new
carburetor. If there is a difference in bolt pattern or bore spacing,
an adapter will be required (see
“Before Removing Old Carburetor”,
section, steps #4 & #5).
©2010 Edelbrock LLC
Brochure #63-0170
Part #1801-1806,1812, 1813, 1825, 1826
Rev. 6/10 - AJ/mc
Page 4 of 6
Fig. 7
Red Wire (+); To Key-On,
12V Source
(Not Coil or Alternator!)
Retaining Screws (3)
Fig. 6
Ford Throttle
Lever #1483
bolts on carb
throttle arm
Black Wire (–); To Ground (Carburetor Body)