Pressure Systems 9046 User Manual
Page 64

Pressure Systems, Inc. Model 9046 User’s Manual
Page 58
Selecting too many data groups will reduce module performance.
(hex) data selected for inclusion in each stream
(reserved for Valve Status Prefix (9046 does not use)
0002 Enable
UTR Alarm Status Prefix
(see alarm bit map
0010 Enable
Primary Transducer (Temperature/Resistance)
EU Data
(default if "05" never executed after "00")
0020 Enable
Primary Transducer (Temperature/Resistance)
A/D Counts
0040 Enable
Primary Transducer (Temperature/Resistance)
0080 Enable
UTR Temperature/Other EU Data (ûC)
0100 Enable
UTR Temperature/Other A/D Counts
0200 Enable
UTR Temperature/Other Voltages
Any UTR Alarm Status Prefix datum is delivered as a two-byte binary bit map (16-bit, big
endian) with each bit representing the status of UTR channel #16 through UTR channel #1
respectively. A bit value of 0 (zero) indicates the UTR is operating within its specified limits. A
value of 1 (one) indicates the UTR is outside its specified limits (i.e., "in alarm"). To be "in alarm"
the channel’s UTR datum value has to deviate from the average of the UTR data values of all
the TC channels, by an amount greater than a specified set point (in ыC).