Pressure Systems 9046 User Manual
Page 31

Pressure Systems, Inc. Model 9046 User’s Manual
Page 25
If a channel is configured for straight voltage then no additional EU conversion is needed. Va is
returned as transducer voltage. Vb is returned as cold junction temperature.
Va is the thermocouple voltage. Vb is the cold junction reference voltage and is saved to be
used in cold junction compensation calculations. Cold junction compensation calculations occur
at the thermal update interval for the module (default = 15 seconds). Thermocouple temperature
in degrees C is returned. If an erroneous temperature value is calculated or no thermocouple is
attached to the channel, the value 99999 is returned. Cold junction reference temperature in
degrees C is returned. If Vb is out of range, the value 99999 is returned. If the calculated cold
junction temperature is above 70
°C, 88888 is returned. If the calculated cold junction
temperature is below –35
°C, –88888 is returned. Cold junction reference temperature is only
calculated at the thermal update rate for the module.
Va is the load voltage. Vb is the source voltage used to calculate the load current. Load
resistance in ohms is returned. If an erroneous resistance value is calculated, the value 10 M is
Va and Vb are used to calculate load resistance as described for resistance measurements
above. This resistance value is used to calculate thermistor temperature in degrees C.
Thermistor temperature in degrees C is returned. If an erroneous temperature value is
calculated, the value 88888 is returned. If a temperature value above 200
°C is calculated,
99999 is returned. If a temperature value below –80
°C is calculated, -99999 is returned.
Va and Vb are used to calculate load resistance as described for resistance measurements
above. This resistance value is used to calculate RTD temperature in degrees C. RTD
temperature in degrees C is returned. If an erroneous temperature value is calculated, the value
88888 is returned. If a temperature value above 850
°C is calculated, 99999 is returned. If a
temperature value below –200
°C is calculated, -99999 is returned.