Pressure Systems 9046 User Manual

Page 44

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Pressure Systems, Inc. Model 9046 User’s Manual

Page 38


single binary float to single binary float (big endian: msb first)



single binary float to single binary float (little endian: lsb first)




Command module to return decimal raw "Temperature/Resistance" A/D counts data for Primary
Transducer channels 1, 5, 9, and 13:


Response contains data for channels 13, 9, 5, and 1 (left to right):

" 32767.000000 -32700.000000 10.000000 16385.000000"

Please note that channel 13 is saturated at +full scale and channel 9 is almost saturated at -full
scale. Channel 5 reads near zero and channel 1 is about 1/2 +full-scale.


NUSS does not use this command normally. You may execute it
manually via the ’Execute Commands’ or ’Execute Script’ functions
of NUSS - though this should be avoided if NUSS is currently
operating the module via other NUSS functions. NUSS normally
reads all the data it needs from a module by configuring
autonomous streams (see the ’c’ command).