EAW Loudspeaker's User Manual
Page 32

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P e r i o d i c I n s p e c t i o n
DANGER: If there is any question about the integrity or capability of any part used to rig
a loudspeaker to perform its intended function, immediately remove it from service for
repair or replacement.
DANGER: En cas de doute sur l'intégrité ou la capacité d'un des éléments à assurer
correctement sa fonction dans un montage ou une suspension d'enceinte(s), retirez
immédiatemnt ce ou ces éléments de la structure, faitesles vérifier ou réparer par un
personnel compétent, ou remplacez-les.
PERICOLO: Se dovesse esistere qualche dubbio riguardo all'integrità o alla capacità di
qualsiasi parte utilizzata nel montaggio / sospensine di un diffusore, di essere in grado
di espltare la funzione alla quale è preposta, è necessario rimuoverla per verificarne la
condizione ed effettuare la riparazione o la sostituzione.
PELIGRO: Si tiene cualquier duda acerca de la integridad o capaciad de cualquier pieza
o aparato para realizar l función para la que ha sido diseñado a la hora de usarlo para el
anclaje de un altavoz, sustitúyalo inmediatamente por otro y/o envíelo al servicio técnico
para su reparación.
GEFAHR: Wenn ein Zweifel in Bzug auf die Sicherheit bei einem Bauteil aufkomm, das
zum Rigging eines Lautsprechers verwendet werden soll, so muss dieses Bauteil sofort
repariert oder ersetzt werden.
1 1 . 1 . 1 O v e r a l l P h y s i c a l I n s p e c t i o n
Perform complete and thorough inspections of the loudspeaker on a routine, periodic
basis. The interval between inspections and scope of the inspections will depend on the
installation and the conditions of use. It is strongly recommended that the interval
between inspections not exceed 1 year.
Inspect for problems and abnormalities, including, but not limited to:
1. Cracks or breaks in the wood
2. Cracks or bends in the grille
3. Loose or missing hardware
4. Damaged mounting/rigging hardware and components
5. Loose input connections
1 1 . 1 . 2 R i g g i n g I n s p e c t i o n
Specifically and thoroughly inspect all rigging hardware and components used to
support the loudspeaker. Do this on a routine, periodic basis, whether components are
integral with or external to the loudspeaker or whether factory or user-supplied. The
interval between inspections and scope of the inspections will depend on the installation
and the conditions of use. The rigging inspection interval must not exceed 1 year.