EMI WLHA User Manual
Page 39

WLCA/WLHA High Wall Evaporator
ALL prodUCt LimitEd WArrAnty
Enviromaster International LLC (EMI) warrants to the purchaser/owner that EMI prod-
ucts will be free from defects in material and workmanship under the normal use and
maintenance for a period of twelve months for all components and sixty months on unit
compressors from the date of original installation, or fifteen months for all components
and sixty-three months on unit compressors from the date of manufacture, whichever
comes first.
EMI will replace any defective part returned to EMI's approved service organization with
a new or rebuilt part at no charge. The replacement part assumes that unused portion
of this warranty.
WHAt WE don't CoVEr
tHis WArrAnty doEs not inCLUdE LABor
or other costs incurred for repairing,
removing, installing, shipping, servicing, or handling of either defective or replacement
Emi is not rEsponsiBLE for:
• Normal maintenance
• Damage or repairs required as a consequence of faulty installation or application by
• Failure to start due to voltage conditions, blown fuses, open circuit breakers, or other
damages due to the inadequacy or interruption of electrical service.
• Damage or repairs needed as a consequence of any misapplication, abuse, improper
servicing, unauthorized alteration, or improper operation.
• Damage as a result of floods, winds, fires, lightening, accidents, corrosive atmosphere,
or other conditions beyond the control of EMI.
• Parts not supplied or designated by EMI.
• Products installed outside the United States or Canada.
• Any damages to person or property of whatever kind, direct or indirect, special or
consequential, Whether resulting from use or loss of use of the product.
LimitAtion of WArrAntiEs
This warranty is exclusive and in lieu of any implied warranties of merchantability and
fitness for a particular purpose and all other warranties express or implied. The remedies
provided for in this warranty are exclusive and shall constitute the only liabilities on the part
of EMI including any statements made by any individual which shall be of no effect.
for sErViCE or rEpAir:
(1) Contact the Installer
(2) Call the nearest Distributor
(3) Call or write:
Enviromaster international LLC
5780 Success Drive, Rome, NY 13440