Control elements, Monitoring - mono, Monitoring - mute – SPL DMC Mastering Console (Black) User Manual

Page 22: Monitoring - l solo and r solo, Monitoring - l phase and r phase

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Control Elements

L + R


Side S =

Mid M =

L - R


Monitoring - Mono

The Mono switch represents the sum of the stereo monitoring channel. The Mono signal
is present on both channels. The Mono switch allows you to test the mono compatibility
of a mix. This Mono switch only occurs in the monitoring section and does not affect the
Recording Outs or the Insert!

Monitoring - Mute

With the Mute switch all monitoring outputs are turned off, without you having to change
the level setting at the monitoring level control. This Mute switch only occurs in the mon-
itoring section and does not affect the Recording Outs or the Insert!

Monitoring - L Solo and R Solo

By using the buttons L Solo and R Solo, you can monitor the respective selected side of
the stereo signal in the monitoring section. The signal only occurs on the side on which it
would also occur on stereo playback.

Monitoring - L Phase and R Phase

With the L Phase and R Phase buttons, you can invert the phase of the signal of the moni-
toring section, depending on the selection, by 180°. L Phase inverts the signal on the left
input channel, R Phase inverts the signal on the right channel.


Through the combination with the Mono function of the monitoring section, you can also
monitor the S signal. Therefore you only have to activate the Mono function and invert the
phase (R Phase) on one side of the stereo signal. MS signals are formed through summing
(M) and substraction (S) of the left and right channels

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