Eclipse - Fujitsu Ten AVN6600 User Manual

Page 145

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Corrective action

No roads possible for guidance
near current position. Please refer
to map.

There are no roads where route
guidance is possible in the vicinity
of the present location.

Refer to a map and proceed.

No roads possible for guidance
near current position and
destination. Please refer to map.

There are no roads where route
guidance is possible in the vicinity
of the present location and

Refer to a map and proceed.

No roads possible for guidance
near destination. Please refer to

There are no roads where route
guidance is possible in the vicinity
of the destination.

Refer to a map and proceed.

Seasonal traffic restricted roads on
this route.

The system searched for a route
that included a seasonally
restricted segment.

If changing to a route that
bypasses the seasonally restricted
segment is desired, bypass the
restricted segment after changing
the route. (Refer to page 70)

Destination too far. Please change
to a point within 5000 km in a
straight line.

The set destination is too far.

Set the destination within a 5,000
km distance in straight line.

2 preferred roads have been set.
Perform operation again after
deleting them.

You attempted to set 3 or more
transit road indications when
changing the route.

Up to 2 transit roads can be
indicated. Delete unnecessary
transit roads before adding a new

No roads possible for guidance
nearby. Perform operation again
after moving.

There are no roads available to
serve as transit roads when
indicating one for a route change.

Move the map and indicate a
transit road among the roads in the

Unable to save additional points.
Please delete some points.

You attempted to set more than 5

Up to 5 destinations can be set.
Delete unnecessary destinations
and proceed with adding new
ones. (Refer to page 79)

Unable to search for new route.
Previous route will be displayed.

A new route could not be found
when reinitiating a route search.

Route guidance will proceed using
the present route. (Drive referring
to the route guidance.)

Destination is nearby. Please
check the map.

You attempted to set the
destination in a nearby location.

The destination is nearby. Refer to
the map and continue driving.

No corresponding POI nearby.

There is no corresponding POI
found nearby for the POI search in
the vicinity.

Search for the POI in another area.

No corresponding POI on route.

There is no corresponding POI
found nearby for the POI search
along the route.

Search for the POI in another area.

Position cannot be specified in this
scale. Switching to more detailed

You attempted to set/register a
destination/memory point on a
map with a reduction scale of more
than 0.5 miles.

Set/register a destination/memory
point on a more detailed map (with
a reduction scale of less than 0.5

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