Amprobe ACD-16-PRO Clamp-Meters User Manual
Page 7

Temperature function
Set the slide-switch function-selector to the
F position. Default at last selected
function. Press SELECT button to toggle between
C and
F measurement functions.
Be sure to insert the banana-plug type-K temperature bead probe TPK-59 at correct
Ω/ functions
Set the slide-switch function-selector to the
Ω/ function position. Default at last selected
function. Press SELECT button to toggle between
Ω and
measurement functions.
Hi-Lo Logging mode
Hi-Lo Logging is an innovative feature. It minimizes product cost for maximum monitoring
speed and period making field monitoring simpler and more affordable. Hi-Lo Logging
captures the most important surges (Hi) & sages (Lo) using one-minute intervals. That is, the
meter uses its highest update rate to compare and capture the highest and lowest readings
in every one-minute time interval. It can log up to 5400 pairs of Hi/Lo readings and thus 5400
minutes of total logging period.