Enerpac Products UNI-LIFT M User Manual
Page 3

5.3 Keyed Translating Confi guration
In applications where rotation cannot be prevented externally,
a keyed design actuator is required. These models are keyed
internally to prevent rotation of the screw, so that linear motion is
produced. See fi gure 4.
Note: For keyed applications where operating loads are expected
to exceed 25 percent of rated capacity, contact Enerpac for
technical assistance. Also contact Enerpac for recommendations
if unusually long travels or high screw velocities are required.
Figure 4
Load Screw
Raises Load
Visually inspect all components for shipping damage. Shipping
damage is not covered by warranty. If shipping damage is found,
notify carrier at once. The carrier is responsible for all repair and
replacement costs resulting from damage in shipment.
Upon delivery, take an inventory of the entire shipment to
determine if shortages exist. All shortages must be immediately
reported to Enerpac and also to the carrier.
• The customer's application design engineer is responsible
for ensuring that there are no destructive conditions which
could affect the actuator(s) and/or complementing equipment.
Conditions that may be considered destructive include, but
are not limited to: 1) excessive input speeds, 2) extreme shock
loading, 3) mechanical or thermal overloading, 4) exceeding
recommended duty cycles and 5) side loading of the load
• Each actuator in the system must be specifi ed in accordance
with the stated requirements and precautions contained in
the Enerpac Uni-Lift
Catalog #E500. All calculations and
specifi cations must be reviewed and approved by the customer's
application design engineer in advance of installation.
Note: Unless specifi ed in the sales order, the services of a fi eld
engineer are not included with the purchase of Enerpac Uni-Lift
actuators and related equipment.
Installation, maintenance and safety instructions must be
given to all personnel directly responsible for the installation,
maintenance and operation of the Uni-Lift
7.1 Warranty Guidelines
• The Enerpac warranty is valid only if the actuator is operated
within the rated capacity and conditions for which the unit was
specifi cally designed.
• In the event that a malfunction of the actuator occurs within
the warranty period, the unit must be immediately removed
from service and Enerpac must be promptly informed of the
1. Be certain that the rated capacity of the actuator exceeds the
maximum load that may be applied to it during use.
2. Check that the maximum allowable input speed (RPM) of the
actuator will not be exceeded.
Note: For maximum input speeds and other Uni-Lift
specifi cations, refer to the charts in sections 12.0 through 15.0
of this document.
3. Select a motor (if used) of appropriate size for your application.
For motor sizing information, refer to the Enerpac Uni-Lift
Catalog #E500.
4. Ensure that the actuator foundation is suffi ciently rigid to
maintain correct alignment with connected machinery and
that it has suffi cient strength to support the maximum load.
5. Check that the foundation has a fl at mounting surface to
assure uniform support for the actuator. Mounting bases
should be fl at and suffi ciently strong to support the load.
6. Be sure the opening in the foundation for the protective tube
or the load screw is as small as possible, so that the unit is
supported over the greatest possible area.
7. Ensure that the method of preventing load screw or fl ange
nut (as applicable) rotation is suffi ciently strong, so that
translation will occur. Refer to the Load Screw Torque section
of the Enerpac Uni-Lift
Catalog #E500.
1. Mount the actuator and check that the axis of the load screw
is parallel to the movement of the load and centered with
respect to the load. If required, shim under the actuator base
so that this condition is achieved. After re-checking that
alignment is correct, hand tighten the mounting bolts. Repeat
this step for each actuator to be installed in the system.
CAUTION: Eccentric loading and/or side loading will
result in premature wear and/or damage the actuator
and possibly other components in the system. Such
damage is not covered under the Enerpac warranty.
IMPORTANT: To help ensure proper alignment, use of laser
transits during alignment procedures is strongly recommended.
2. Install and align all power transmission equipment, including
speed reducers, mitre gearboxes, shafts and couplings.
Hand tighten mounting bolts.
3 Re-check alignment of input shaft(s) with the worm shaft(s)
of the actuator(s). This alignment is critical for proper
4. Check the entire system for any obvious indications of binding
or misalignment. Test the system alignment by rotating the
shafts by hand. Fully extend the load screw(s).
Note: When the actuator(s), shafting and gearboxes are properly
coupled together and aligned in a system, it should be possible
to rotate the shafts by hand and to fully extend the load screw(s)
when the load is not applied.
5. After checking for proper alignment, tighten all mounting bolts
and other fasteners to the proper torques. Be sure to torque
all mounting bolts evenly to avoid damaging the actuator
housing. Refer to table 1 (see next page) for torque values.
IMPORTANT: It is essential that all gearboxes and actuators be
securely bolted down to the foundation, using bolts of proper
diameter to fi t the actuator mounting holes. Bolts must be at
least S.A.E. Grade 5 or equivalent. If possible, it is recommended
that each actuator be doweled in place. Doweling will assure
exact repositioning if the component is ever removed.