Time setting – Riello UPS NetMan 204 User Manual
Page 19

Time setting
/ Time setting /
Set time.......:<--
Set timezone...:
Sync with NTP..:
Scheduled NTP..:
From this menu the time and date of the device can be set as described in the following table.
Set time
To configure the time and date manually
Set timezone
To configure the time zone
Sync with NTP
To synchronize the clock with an NTP server
Scheduled NTP
To configure the scheduled NTP
Pressing the “ENTER” key corresponding to the “Set time” command displays a screen like the one
shown below.
Current date is Wed Jan 01 07:45:50 GMT 2014
Insert new date and clock time in this form:
Current date is Sun Jun 15 08:01:00 GMT 2014
Enter the date and time in the format shown, then press the ENTER key and then “ESC” to exit.
Pressing the “ENTER” key corresponding to the “Set timezone” command displays a screen where
is possible to modify the time zone.
Pressing the “ENTER” key corresponding to the “Sync with NTP” command displays a screen like
the one shown below.
Current date is Thu Jun 16 14:17:06 ECT 2005
Insert IP Address or host name of the NTP server to synchronize time:
Enter the name or the address of the NTP server with which the device is to be synchronized. In
this case the time has to be within the GMT time zone, thus it may be necessary to correct the
current time zone with the “Set timezone” command.
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