Retrotec Comparison between Duct Blaster and Retrotec DucTester 341 User Manual
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Accuracy: 1% of reading, or 0.15 Pa.
Cruise Control: 0, 25, 50 and 75 Pa.
Duct Testing results: Flow in CFM
Compatible Duct testing Devices:
TEC Duct Blaster or Tru-Flow Grid
Accuracy: 1% of reading, or 0.15 Pa.
Cruise Control: any pressure.
Duct Testing results: Flow in CFM, CFM/sq ft, CFM/100
sq ft & CFM/1000 sq ft
Compatible Duct testing Devices:
Retrotec Model 240, 340, 350, 450 DucTesters
TEC Duct Blaster or Tru-Flow Grid
Dimensions and weight:
10 in diameter, 7 in length, 7 lbs. with one flow rings
Test direction: Works in both directions. Use the Flow
Conditioner with clear reference tube added to the inlet
when depressurizing. Flow in pressurization is up to 1000
CFM but is limited by the maximum allowable back
pressure of 100 Pa.
Accuracy: +/- 3% with DG-700
Dimensions and weight:
13 x 11 x 13.25 in, 9 lbs. with 2 flow rings
Test direction: Works in both directions without changes
to set up. Back pressure is not limited.
Accuracy: +/- 3% with DM32
Unattached foam base prevents the fan from rolling
Attached Aluminum wide base for stability with foam
hand holds for powered flow hood operation.