EMI T3HB User Manual
Sp eci f ica tions and pe rf o r mance

Web: http://www.enviromaster.com
Enviromaster International LLC
FULL Range Heat PUmP
Nominal Circuit Capacities:
9,000, 12,000, 18,000, and 24,000 btuh
EMI offers the finest 13 SEER multi-zone Heat Pump
unit in the ductless split market. The Top Discharge
multi-zone Heat Pump Unit allows the installation of up
to four circuits from a single outside location when space
or aesthetic requirements limit the use of locations.
Each zone is independent and no mixing of refrigerant
will occur.
All EMI products are subject to ongoing develop-
ment programs and design and specifications may
change without notice.
stanDarD FEaturEs
Compressors -
Hermetically sealed high efficiency
rotary, reciprocating, or scroll types, depending on zone
capacities. Motors are PSC type with inherent over-
load protection. Compressors are installed on resilient
Capacities/Efficiencies - EMI’s Top Discharge
systems meet or exceed 13.0 SEER efficiency require-
ments and 7.7 HSPF.
Cabinet - Fabricated of G90U galvaneal steel, fin-
ished with corrosion inhibiting, polyester, powder coated
paint (2,000 hr. salt spray tested)
• Fan Guard - Black vinyl coated
t2HB, t3HB, and t4HB toP discHaRge
dUctLess sPLit sYstem mULti-Zone
condensing Unit
P/N# 240006735 Rev. 2.0 [10/08]
tions and Pe
• Cabinet Color - Light gray & black
• Concealed Service Valves
• Easy access service port connections at 45°
from valve body.
• Common suction pressure access point.
Refrigeration Circuit - The T2HB, T3HB and T4HB
are delivered with pre-charged refrigerant (R-22) for the
condenser coils and evaporators. Charging of the field
installed piping is required. Unit refrigeration valves are
solid brass, for sweat connection. Solid core filter driers
are factory installed on all models.
Condenser Coil - The condenser coils are tested to
600 psig and are constructed of seamless copper tubing,
with enhanced aluminum fins. The tubes are mechani-
cally expanded for secure bonding to fin shoulder.
Condenser Fan/Motor - The condenser fan is a large
diameter, high efficiency, four blade aluminum propeller
type, directly connected to the totally enclosed, PSC
motor. The motor is fitted with internal thermal protec-
tion. These multi-zone units are a drawthrough air flow
Controls and Components installed at the factory
• Compressor and fan motor contactor
• Capacitor
• Crankcase Heaters (9,000 & 12,000 only)
• Hard Start Assist
• Loss of charge switches (9,000 & 12,000)
• Low Voltage (24V) connections
• High pressure control (18,000 & 24,000)
• Large capacity suction accumulator (9,000, 12,000
& 18,000)
• Factory installed solid core filter driers
• Common suction pressure access point
Refrigerant Run Options - The standard system will
support refrigerant runs to the inside unit of up to 100
equivalent feet of interconnect with 35 feet of lift.
Operating Range:
A/C Range 32
F (0
°C) to 115°F
(46°C), H/P Range 0°F (-18°C) to 75°F (24°C).
systEm optIons
• Sea Coast coated / Copper-Copper coils
• Wind Baffles - Louvers
t2HB, t3HB,
and t4HB