Silvercrest STMS 2017 A1 User Manual
Page 20

Wireless keyboard with wireless mouse STMS 2017 A1
Configuring the Wireless Keyboard
The wireless keyboard features 20 hotkeys (quick access keys), a volume adjustment button and a scroll
wheel. Following software installation, the special keys offer the following standard functions. 17 hotkeys
can furthermore be freely programmed according to your requirements.
Hotkey Description
Standard internet browser (e.g. Internet Explorer)
Standard email programme (e.g. Microsoft
Internet-browser favourites
Update display
Stops loading the page in your Web Browser.
Forward (e.g. Internet Explorer)
Back (e.g. Internet Explorer)
Open desktop
Start pocket calculator
Starts the standard media player (e.g. Microsoft
Media Player)
Previous title
Play / Pause
Next title
Sound on/off
Start Microsoft
Word (needs to be installed)
Start Microsoft
Excel (needs to be installed)
Switch computer on/off *
(Many mainboards feature a BIOS setting such as, for example, „Boot on
USB“, „Power on by USB“, or a corresponding setting). Activate this function in
order to be able to switch the computer on and off via the keyboard. Please
also consult the documentation of your computer or main board before
activating the BIOS setting.
Initiate sleep mode *
Starting from sleep mode *
* not freely programmable