Silvercrest SGB 1200 A1 User Manual

Page 66

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SGB 1200 A1


Caulifl ower (gratinated)

1/2 head caulifl ower (about 250 g)

3 lemon slices

1 tbsp. butter

1 heaped tsp. fl our

1 tbsp. lemon juice

1 tbsp. slivered almonds

2 tbsp. gratin cheese (grated)

Salt, pepper, nutmeg

1) Divide the caulifl ower into fl orets and wash


2) Cook the caulifl ower with the lemon slices in

boiling, salted water for 8–10 minutes until the
caulifl ower is al dente. Retain about 150 ml
of the cooking water before pouring the rest

3) Melt the butter in a saucepan and then brown

the fl our, while stirring continuously, for about
1 minute.

4) Continue stirring and pour in the caulifl ower

water and let it cook for about 2 minutes. If the
roux gets too solid, gradually add more water
until a creamy consistency is achieved. Season
with lemon juice, nutmeg, salt and pepper.

5) Place the caulifl ower in a baking dish (about

14 cm in diameter) and pour the sauce evenly
over it.

6) Sprinkle in the cheese and almond slivers over


7) Place the baking dish on the baking tray 0.
8) Bake the prepared dish at 200 °C in a pre-

heated oven, using top and bottom heat, for
about 20 minutes on the bottom rail.

Salmon-fi lled fl aky pastries (burek)

1 pack of fl aky pastry slices (approx. 8 pieces)

1 pack of smoked salmon, sliced (about 200 g)

1 lemon

1 onion

1 pack of cream cheese (200 g)

Fresh dill

Salt and pepper

1 egg yolk

1) Separate the puff pastry sheets and, if neces-

sary, allow them to thaw.

2) Mix the cream cheese with salt, pepper and

the juice of one lemon.

3) Finely dice the onion.
4) Add half of the salmon and the onion to the

cream cheese mixture and mix it all coarsely
with a blender.

5) Cut the remaining salmon into thin strips.
6) Add the salmon and the dill to the mixture and

blend all ingredients together.

7) Place individual tablespoonfuls of the mixture

on a fl aky pastry sheet and fold them over.

8) Coat the resulting pouch with egg yolk.
9) Place the burek pieces on a baking sheet 0.

Leave suffi cient space between the individual
pouches because the fl aky pastry will expand.

10) Bake the pastries on the lower rail at around

120°C using top and bottom heat for about
25–30 minutes. The fl aky pastry should turn
light brown in colour.


The stated quantity of pastry is suffi cient for
several baking trays 0.

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