Sybase 15 User Manual

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Replication Server

What’s New in Replication Server? – describes the new features in
Replication Server version 15.0 and the system changes added to support
those features.

Administration Guide – contains an introduction to replication systems.
This manual includes information and guidelines for creating and
managing a replication system, setting up security, recovering from
system failures, and improving performance.

Configuration Guide for your platform – describes configuration
procedures for all Replication Server and related products, and explains
how to use the


configuration utility.

Design Guide – contains information about designing a replication system
and integrating heterogeneous data servers into a replication system.

Getting Started with Replication Server – provides step-by-step
instructions for installing and setting up a simple replication system.

Heterogeneous Replication Guide – describes how to use Replication
Server to replicate data between databases supplied by different vendors.

Reference Manual – contains the syntax and detailed descriptions of
Replication Server commands in the Replication Command Language
(RCL); Replication Server system functions; Sybase Adaptive Server®
commands, system procedures, and stored procedures used with
Replication Server; Replication Server executable programs; and
Replication Server system tables.

System Tables Diagram – illustrates system tables and their entity
relationships in a poster format. Available only in print version.

Troubleshooting Guide – contains information to aid in diagnosing and
correcting problems in the replication system.

Replication Manager plug-in help, which contains information about
using Sybase Central™ to manage Replication Server.

FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide – this Macrovision manual explains
FLEXnet Licensing for administrators and end users and describes how to
use the tools which are part of the standard FLEXnet Licensing
distribution kit from Sybase.

SAMreport User’s Guide – this Macrovision manual explains how to use
SAMreport, a report generator that helps you monitor the usage of
applications that use FLEXnet licensing.