Efficient Networks 5800 User Manual

Page 41

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Efficient Networks


5800 Series

User Reference Guide

Chapter 3: Additional Features

Efficient Networks


Page 3-9

Dial Backup provides a backup connection to the Internet through an external

V.90 modem, connected to the console port of your router. This backup

connection can be activated in the event of a DSL service interruption. During a

DSL interruption, your router will use the dialup modem connection while

waiting for DSL service to be restored. Once the DSL link is active again, Dial

Backup will automatically switch back to the DSL service. Voice service is

disabled during dial backup.

A special console connector is required to configure Dial Backup. This

connector can be ordered through your Internet Service Provider, or from the

Efficient Networks web site at the following URL:

To access the Dial Backup screen, select the Dial Backup link from the Router

Information screen. The Dial Backup screen will appear. To enable Dial

Backup, follow these steps:

1. Enter your user name and password as provided from your ISP.

2. Enter at least one telephone number for dialup access to your ISP.

3. Click the OK button to continue with Dial Backup Configuration.

4. The next scren provides settings for Dial Backup Configuration:

Failover after connection is lost: This setting specifies the time

interval between losing the DSL connection and switching to

the dialup modem connection.

Resume DSL after connection is lost: The time interval

between checks for service restoration is called the retry

period. After each retry period, your router will test the DSL

connection for service. If service is restored, the router will

switch data traffic to the DSL connection. The serial port will

revert to its default function as the console port.

Serial Port Data Rate: This field specifies the maximum rate at

which data can flow through the serial port. This setting

should equal the maximum baud rate of the attached modem.

Modem Initialization String: This field sets the initialization

string used by the V.90 modem attached to the console port of

the router.

Modem Dial String: Sets the dial string for one of two possible

dialing options; pulse or tone dialing. The default is tone


5. You will need to reboot your router to enable changes to Dial
