Model microcem – Emerson MicroCEM User Manual

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Instruction Manual


January 2002

Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management

Description and Specifications 1-17

Model MicroCEM

Power Dissipation

Sleep mode currently is specified under the condition that all card inputs are static CMOS levels and in
a "Not Busy" operating state.

The currents specified show the bounds of programmability of the product.

Sleep ............................................. 200 µA @3.3 V 500 µA @5.0 V
Read .............................................. 35 mA RMS @3.3 V 50 mA RMS @5.0 V
Write .............................................. 35 mA RMS @3.3 V 50 mA RMS @5.0 V

Environmental Specifications

Operating Commercial .......... 0°C to 60°C
Operating Industrial .............. -40°C to 85°C
Non-Operating Commercial .. -25°C to 85°C
Non-Operating Industrial ...... -50°C to 100°C

Operating ............................... 8% to 95%, non-condensing
Non-Operating ...................... 8% to 95%, non-condensing
Acoustic Noise ...................... 0dB

Operating ............................... 15 G peak to peak max.
Non-Operating ...................... 15 G peak to peak max.

Operating ............................... 1,000 G max.
Non-Operating ....................... 1,000 G max.

Altitude (relative to sea level)
Operating/Non-Operating ..... 80,000 feet max.

System Reliability and Maintenance


................................... >1,000,000 hours

Preventive Maintenance ....... None
Data Reliability ...................... <1 non-recoverable error in 10


bits read

Physical Specifications
Length............................................ 100.2mm ± 0.51mm
Width ............................................. 69.85mm ± 0.51mm
Thickness (Body) .......................... 9.6mm ± 5.0mm
Thickness (Removable Edge) ....... N/A
Weight ........................................... 160 g. max


Mean Time Between Failures