5 central processing unit, A. embedded enhanced bios, B. specifications – Emerson MicroCEM User Manual

Page 23: 7 cpu, Figure 1-7, Cpu -9, Model microcem

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Instruction Manual


January 2002

Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management

Description and Specifications 1-9

Model MicroCEM


The CPU is an Embedded Pentium-like AT
Computer in 5.75” x 8” form factor. The pe-
ripherals integrated on board are: SVGA, 4
serial ports and one parallel port, Fast
Ethernet ctrl., IDE, Keyboard, Mouse, 2 USB.
The module is built around the Intel Tillamook
processor and is equipped with 64MB
SDRAM. The module also integrates one
socket for SSD that performs like an HDD unit
and can be used to store the operating sys-
tem, the user’s programs and the data files.
Other peripherals available on board are the
Floppy disk controller, the parallel port. The
CPU is shown in Figure 1-7.

a. Embedded Enhanced Bios

Award, 256KB Flash Bios.The Bios is
immediately activated when you first turn
on the system. The Bios reads system
configuratio information in CMOS RAM
and begins the process of checking out
the system.

Figure 1-7. CPU

b. Specifications

Architecture: ................................. PC/AT Compatible
Dimensions: .................................. 5.75” x 8”
Processor: .................................... Intel Tillamook processor - 266MHz
Memory: ........................................ 64 MB SDRAM
Ram/Rom disk: ............................. 1 x 32 pin socket (max. 288MB)
Operating System: ........................ WinNT
BIOS: ............................................ Standard with embedded extensions
Interfaces: ..................................... IDE ctrl

Floppy ctrl
10/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet
2 USB ports
4 RS232 serial ports (one can be 485)
Parallel port (bi-directional EPP-ECP)
Keyboard PS/2
Mouse PS/2

Bus: .............................................. AT bus according to PC/104 spec.
Power Supply: .............................. AT/ATX
Connectors: .................................. COM1-4, SVGA, USB 1 and 2, PS/2 Mouse/Keyboard, ATX Power,

Parallel, IDE, Floppy, and Fast Ethernet