Sawing techniques – Florabest FKS 2200 D2 User Manual
Page 86

Refer to the start-up section on how
to tension the saw chain.
Sawing techniques
• You have better control when you saw
with the bottom side of the chain bar
(with pulling saw chain) and not to with
the top side of the chain bar (with push-
ing saw chain).
• The saw chain must not contact either
the ground or another object during
sawing through or after sawing comple-
• Make sure that the saw chain does not
become jammed in the wood. Do not
let the tree trunk break or split off.
• Consider also the precautions against
spring-back (see notes on safety).
If the saw chain jams, you
do not attempt to pull out the
electric chainsaw using pow-
er. There is a danger of injury
here. Switch off the motor
and use a lever or wedge to
free the electric chainsaw.
This refers to sawing up a felled tree trunk
into smaller sections.
• Ensure that the saw chain does not
come in contact with the ground during
• Make sure you have a secure stance
and, in the case of sloping ground,
stand above the log.
1. Log is lying on the ground:
Saw through the log completely
from above and ensure at the
end of the cut not to contact the
If you can turn the tree trunk, saw
two-thirds of the way through it.
Then turn the trunk around and
saw the rest of the way through
from above.
2. Log is supported at one
Start sawing from the bottom and
work your way up (with the up-
per edge of the bar) a third of the
way into the diameter of the trunk
to prevent splitting. Then saw from
the top downwards with the lower
edge of the bar towards the first
cut to prevent the bar from becom-
ing jammed in the wood.
3. Log is supported at both
Start from the top and work down
(with the lower edge of the bar)
to a third of the diameter of the
trunk. Then saw from underneath
with the upper edge of the bar
until the two cuts meet.
4. Sawing on a sawhorse:
Hold the electric chainsaw steady
with both hands, keeping the
saw in front of you while saw-
ing. Once the saw is through the
wood, guide the machine passed
you on the right (1). Hold your left
arm as straight as you can (2).
Watch out for the falling trunk.
Position yourself to prevent any
danger from the separated trunk.
Watch your feet. The trunk may
cause injuries when falling. Keep
your balance (3).