See coprocessor, Glossary, A cpu chip, such as the 486slc. see also cpu – Epson 500 Series User Manual

Page 108: Math coprocessor

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Light Emmitting Diode. An indicator light such as those used for the

Action Note power, disk drives, and keyboard settings.

Local bus

An internal group of wires that sends information from the

microprocessor to the video controller in the ActionNote. Local bus

video provides increased performance.

Math coprocessor

See Coprocessor.


Megabyte. A unit used to measure storage space in a computer's

memory or on a disk. One megabyte equals l,048, 576 bytes or 1024KB.

Memory module

An optional card that adds 4MB of extended memory to your

computer. (Also called an extension memory module.)


Megahertz. A unit used to measure the oscillation frequenty of a

Computer's internal timing clock. One megahertz is one million cycles

per second.


A CPU chip, such as the 486SLC. See also CPU.


MOdulator / DEModulator. A serial device that allows the computer to

send and received data over the telephone lines.

4. Glossary