Internal mode, Chapter 2: modes – Casio EA-100 Modes User Manual
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Chapter 2: Modes
To enter the Multimeter Mode, press the [MODE] key while in the Communi-
cations Mode. Press [MODE] again to return to the Communications Mode.
The data analyzer is in the Multimeter Mode when the MULTIMETER indica-
tor is on the display.
To perform Multimeter Mode measurements using the SONIC channel, for
example, press [MODE] to enter the Multimeter Mode and then press [CH-
view] three times to select the SONIC channel. Measurement results appear
on the display of the data analyzer.
In addition to using the [CH-View] key to change the sampling channel as
described above, you can also use the [DataLOG] key in the Multimeter Mode
to change the sampling unit. The sampling unit can also be changed by sending
Command 6 from a connected graphic scientific calculator.
• The data analyzer’s Auto Power Off feature is disabled in the Multimeter
Internal Mode
This mode measures the voltage being supplied to the data analyzer’s inter-
nal system by its batteries.
In the Communications Mode, press [INTERNAL] to enter the Internal Mode,
which is indicated when the INTERNAL indicator is on the display. The value
that appears indicates the system voltage being supplied from the batteries
loaded in the data analyzer. The sample display below shows that the batter-
ies are supplying a total of 4.8 volts.
Pressing [MODE] or [INTERNAL] while in the Internal Mode returns to the
Communications Mode.