LinPlug Alpha User Manual
Page 9
The Alpha's two main oscillators are located on the left of the front panel. Each of the Alpha's
two oscillator modules outputs a waveform that is a combination of two basic waveforms. So
the amount of possible waveforms it almost endless.
Each waveform shape is set by clicking on the waveform name in the Alpha's OSC 1 or OSC
2 sections. This opens a menu that allows you to select from the available waveforms. See
Appendix B for a complete list of all waveforms.
The oscillators pitch is set to the right of the waveform within the range of -2 to +2 octaves by
dragging the value up or down in one octave steps.
The “F” switch on the top allows you to switch between free-run (when switched on) and re-
triggered start of the oscillator (when switched off). The main difference is that when free-run
is Off, the Oscillator always starts at the beginning of the waveform cycle, and when its On
the Oscillator continuously runs and when the note starts it can be at any point in its
waveform cycle.
Below these controls is the “A wave B” balance dial. This dial allows you to gradually adjust
the resulting waveform from the two basic waveforms. When the dial is at its leftmost setting,
the waveform consists purely of waveform A. The more you move the dial clockwise, the
more the waveform A is faded out and waveform B is faded in. When it is moved all the way
to the right the waveform consists purely of waveform B. To try this set wave A to Sine and
wave B to Sawtooth. As you slowly rotate the dial from one end of its range to the other you
can hear the sound change from sine to sawtooth.
The detune dial in OSC 1 section determines the amount of detuning between the oscillator
modules Osc 1 and Osc 2. A small amount of detuning can be used to create the swirling
sound typical of many analog synth patches.
The “ringmod” parameter in Osc 2 section allows a gradually adjustment of how the output of
oscillator 2 is made from oscillator 2 and the integrated Ring-Modulator (see the glossary on
page 25 for an explanation of AM and Ring-Modulation).
Turned fully left the output of oscillator 2 is purely oscillator 2. Turned fully right the output of
LinPlug Alpha 3.3 Series User Manual
Page 9