LinPlug Alpha User Manual
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The Alpha is a synthesizer classic. It was first released in 2000 under the name GakStoar
Alpha by Peter Linsener, who in 2001 founded LinPlug. While the first version was free, with
version 2, in 2002 the Alpha became a commercial product.It was on sale for about 5 years
when it was replaced in 2007 by the Alpha 3 which is one of LinPlug's best selling products
of all time.
All these years the fundamental design principle of the Alpha was simplicity. While the main
market for synthesizers gave birth to more and more complex instruments the Alpha was
kept as simple as possible. Only few features were added over time, like the Chorus in
Version 2 or the Ring-Modulator and Noise Oscillator in Version 3.
Since Version 2 Branislav Pakić is designing the user interface of Alpha (and many other
LinPlug instruments), giving it its distinctive and almost minimalistic look. While the user
interface is often used as an eye catcher to generate sales, our priority has always been
useability. It should assist you, and not distract you. For many more years.
Now the Alpha is 14 years old and still going strong, a big thank you is in order to all the
people who bought a license and thus allowed us to continue this synthesizer. Our last
update did not get the number 4, because its still the same strong audio engine, but the user
interface and the handling has made another step forward.
This manual describes all aspects of the Alpha Synthesizer and is designed so that your use
of this software is as efficient and enjoyable as possible. At LinPlug we're very proud of the
Alpha Synthesizer; it's the result of many years of research and synthesizer programming
experience. We hope you get a lot of pleasure using the Alpha Synthesizer and that it
becomes an integral part of your music-making.
Thank you.
Your LinPlug Team,
Berlin, Germany, January 2007 and reworked January 2014
LinPlug Alpha 3.3 Series User Manual
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