LinPlug Alpha User Manual
Page 11
With the fm source selector the source of the modulation is selected, either Oscillator 1 ,
Oscillator 2 or Noise.
Note: Cutoff FM does not depend on the setting in the Mix section of the oscillators.
Moreover, if oscillator 2 is selected then its purely oscillator 2 and does not depend on the
ring modulation setting in oscillator 2 section (the Ring Modulator is not available as source
for filter FM).
The “cutoff” dial is used to set the operation frequency (in Hz) at which the filter begins to
take effect. In the case of the Low Pass Filter (Settings 12, 24 and 24+), higher settings
produce brighter sounds while lower settings result in darker sounds. In the case of the High
Pass filter, higher settings produce thinner sounds while lower settings result in fuller sounds.
The Band Pass filter combines a Low Pass and a High Pass filter. In this case, the Cutoff dial
sets the midpoint of the filter's pass band.
The “reso” (Resonance) dial is used to set the amount of emphasis around the cutoff
frequency. Higher settings create a more pronounced peak in the signal while lower settings
produce a flatter response.
Below cutoff and resonance is the filter type selector. It allows selection of 5 types of filter.
These are:
Low Pass 12 dB/Oct.
Low Pass 24 dB/Oct.
Low Pass 24 dB/Oct., alternative design
High Pass 12 dB/Oct.
Band Pass 12 dB/Oct.
The envelope parameters follow below the type selector, these are the classic attack, decay,
sustain and release as well as an additional “fade” parameter. Note that the envelope has
only an effect if the filter envelope depth (described below) is not 0. The following description
of the envelope parameter assumes that the depth is positive.
The “att” (Attack Time) dial is used to set the time it takes for the cutoff envelope to reach the
full envelope depth. For example, if the Attack is set to 0% (i.e. the dial is turned completely
counter-clockwise), the filters cutoff will move from cutoff parameters value to maximum
envelope depth immediately. If the Attack dial is turned completely clockwise the filters cutoff
will move from cutoff parameters value to maximum envelope depth in 10 seconds.
The “dec” (Decay Time) dial determines the time that the filter cutoff envelope takes to move
from the maximum envelope depth to the Sustain value. For example, if the Decay is set to
0% (i.e. the dial is turned completely counter-clockwise), the filters cutoff will move from the
Attack peak value to the Sustain value immediately. If the Decay dial is turned completely
clockwise the same change in cutoff frequency will take 10 seconds.
The “sust” (Sustain) dial determines the cutoff frequency after the initial Attack/Decay phase
while a note is being held.
The “rel” (Release Time) dial is used to set the time that the cutoff frequency takes to move
from current Sustain/Fade value to silence after the note is released. If the Release dial is set
to 0% (i.e. the dial is turned completely counter-clockwise), the filters cutoff will move from
the current level to the cutoff parameters value immediately. If the Release dial is set to
LinPlug Alpha 3.3 Series User Manual
Page 11