Booting from the compactflash card, Chapter 4, Building the bootloader image – Lanner MR-320 User Manual

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Building the Bootloader Image

Chapter 4

Network Application Platforms

Clearing DRAM........ done

BIST check passed.
Bus 0 (CF Card): OK

ide 0: Model: InnoDisk Corp. - iCF2000 512MB

Firm: YUAN1026 Ser#:

Type: Hard Disk

Capacity: 495.6 MB = 0.4 GB (1015056 x 512)

Then, Execute the following procedures:

Booting from the CompactFlash Card

Load the image to the DRAM with the command:

MR320# fatload ide 0 100000 image-filename

Burn the new image with the command:

MR320# run bootloader_flash_update

Burn the new image with the command:

MR320#run bootloader_flash_update

Nuke environment variables on flash.

MR320# Failsafe bootloader#run nuke_env

Type the following command to load the program into

the RAM:

MR320# fatload ide 0

is the address in which the file will be loaded

in memory.
For example: 21000000
is the name of the bootloader image on

the CF
For Example :traffic-gen

Follow these procedures to boot programs from CF card:
boot diagnostic bin first by typing the command:

MR320# bootoct [coremask=]

then, boot linux kernel bin by typing the command


To boot up the linux O.S. from the

CompactFlash, use the following method as a

guideline to make the Linux kernel and copy it on

to the CF Card.

MR320#bootoctlinux [coremask=]

is the address where the program was loaded

by using the fatload command listed above
optionally specifies which cores will execute

the program on.

Build Linux for the MR-320.

$ cd $(OCTEON_ROOT_Directory)/linux
$ make -s clean
$ make -s kernel

Copy the Linux kernel to a compact flash.

$ mkdir -p /mnt/cfa1
$ mips64-octeon-linux-gnu-strip kernel_2.6/linux/


$ fdisk -l /dev/cfa1
$ mount /dev/cfa1 /mnt/cf
$ cp kernel_2.6/linux/vmlinux.64 /mnt/cf
$ sync
$ umount /mnt/cf