Yaskawa Remote Serial Communication Controller LAN Node PCB for use with Microtrac DSD LAN User Manual

Page 21

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RD 790-30

020H 000H 008H 001H


Logic Mask, configuring subchannels 0, 11, and 29————— 020000801H

000H 000H 000H 000H


Sink/Source Mask, all sink—————————————————000000000H



Checksum ——————————————————————————————— 05AH

EX3.2. External device keeps drive #15 updated by sending Logic Update messages when any
of the configured logic inputs change state and at approximately 4 second intervals. The data
sent over the serial port from the external device to the RSC is as follows (in the given order):

001H 0FEH 008H 00FH 031H





Start of message sequence (SOH, NOT SOH) ——— 001H 0FEH |



Length, 8 bytes ——————————————————————— 008H



Drive #15————————————————————————————— 00FH


Message Type 031H, Logic Update——————————————————---—— 031H



Channel #4——————————————————————————————— 004H

000H 000H 008H 000H


Value, subchannel 0 and 29 at logic 0 and


subchannel 11 at logic 1 ——————-------——————— 000000800H



Checksum ——————————————————————————————— 054H