Group p traverse, Function p1 traverse param – Yaskawa GPD515C-XXXX-CS006 User Manual

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0 4/18/97

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Doc. No. 02Y00025-0422

Change 1 9/19/00

3.0 Startup Procedure

1. Perform the start-up procedure using section 2.2c of the GPD515 technical manual. This

procedure will go through changing the drive into V/f control, and setting up the V/hz pattern.

2. Verify that parameter P1-01 is set to a 1 (Enabled).

3. Adjust parameter P1-02 to the desired amount of disturbed waveform amplitude desired.

This parameter is set as a percentage of the frequency reference.

4. Adjust Parameter P1-03 to the desired amount of disturbed waveform “jump”. This is used

to compensate for the mechanical inertia of the system. This parameter is set as a
percentage of parameter P1-02.

5. Adjust parameters P1-04 and P1-05 to the desired slope times.

6. Done.

4.0 Custom Software Parameters

4.1 New Program Group

Group P


4.2 New Program Function

Function P1

Traverse Param