For italy only: compliance with cei 0-21 – SMA SB 1300TL Installation User Manual

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1  Autotest in conformità alla norma CEI 0-21 per impianti ≤ 6 kW

SMA Solar Technology AG



As of 1 July 2012, the requirements of the Italian CEI 0-21 standard will be effective for all new PV
plants in the low-voltage grid.
The inverter is already equipped with the latest firmware version and the country data sets which are
necessary for compliance with the CEI 0-21 standard.
Due to the new requirements, a change has been made to the self-test described in the installation
Before you can commission the inverter in Italy, you must check various settings and if necessary make
changes. The following table describes the procedure for initial start-up and provides an overview of
the steps that must always be performed in the given sequence.

☐ The inverter must be installed, the electrical connection executed (see inverter installation

manual) and there must be sufficient irradiation.

For Italy only: Compliance with CEI 0-21



1. Check whether one of the following country data sets is installed ex

CEI0-21 Int / CEI 0-21 intern for plants ≤ 6 kW or
CEI0-21 Ext / CEI 0-21 extern for plants > 6 kW

Supplementary sheet
with default settings,
type label on inverter
or display

2. If the default country data set is not set to one of the a/m country

data sets, configure it yourself to the country data set required for
your particular purpose, CEI0-21 Int / CEI 0-21 intern or

CEI0-21 Ext / CEI 0-21 extern.

Installation manual

3. Commission the inverter

Installation manual

4. If the inverter is configured to CEI0-21 Int / CEI 0-21 intern, start

the self-test.

see Section 2.1

This manual is related to the following products: