Grass Valley NVISION Compact CQX User Manual
Compact router system configurator, User’s guide
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Table of Contents
- 1. What Is New
- 2. Before Using CRSC
- 2 Upload new firmware using CRSC. See Upload Recent Firmware on page 6.
- 3 Be sure that any reset panels are unlocked. See Panel Locked at Reset on page 7.
- 4 If you have not already done it, create a system design. See System Design on page 7.
- 5 Create a network and add compact routers or remote panels to the network. (A remote panel is a control panel mounted on a remote panel module.) See Creating a Network on page 8.
- 6 Set up the configuration PC and install CRSC. See Setting Up the Configuration PC and Installing CRSC on page 12.
- 7 Test the CRSC installation to ensure that everything is working properly. See Installation Testing on page 16.
- About CRSC
- Upload Recent Firmware
- Panel Locked at Reset
- System Design
- Creating a Network
- Setting Up the Configuration PC and Installing CRSC
- How to Configure your PC’s IP Address
- 2 Double-click ‘Local Area Connection’. The ‘Local Area Connection Status’ dialog box appears:
- 3 Choose the ‘General’ tab and click Properties. The ‘Local Area Connection Properties’ dialog box appears.
- 4 Select ‘Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)’ and click Properties. The ‘Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties’ dialog box appears.
- 5 Select ‘Use the following IP address’ and enter the IP address for your PC. It is recommended that you use the default subnet 192.168.2 and the subnet mask
- 6 Click OK to save your changes.
- How to Create Multiple Subnets
- 2 In the ‘Advanced’ window, click Add and enter an IP address for your PC on each of the subnets. Repeat this step for additional subnets.
- 3 After adding IP addresses for your subnets, click OK.
- How to Install CRSC
- How to Configure your PC’s IP Address
- Installation Testing
- 3. Show Products Online
- 4. CR Series Ethernet Setttings
- CQX Routers - Separate Subnet
- An Overview of Networking
- Using the ‘CR Series Ethernet Settings’ Page
- How to Add Routers to a Network
- 2 From the side navigation pane, click ‘CR Series Ethernet Settings’ page under the ‘CR Series Network Setup’ bar.
- 3 On the ‘CR Series Ethernet Setting page’, verify that all routers appear in the list.
- 4 For each router, click on the cell in the ‘IP Address’ column to activate the field. (A check mark appears in the ‘Update’ check box). Enter a unique IP address according to the following formulas:
- 5 Repeat steps 1 through 4 for each router. Remember that no more than 4 routers can be added to a single subnet.
- 6 Important! Click Apply Updates to send the changes to the selected frames. Only those frames with ‘Update’ checked are updated. The changes are stored in the frames’ internal configuration data.
- 7 Remember to cycle power after you change a rotary switch.
- How to Add Remote Panels to a Network
- 2 From the side navigation pane, click ‘CR Series Ethernet Settings’ page under the ‘CR Series Network Setup’ bar.
- 3 On the ‘CR Series Ethernet Setting page’, verify that all added remote panels appear in the list.
- 4 For each remote panel, click on the cell in the ‘IP Address’ column to activate the field. (A check mark appears in the ‘Update’ check box). Enter a unique IP address according to the following formulas:
- 5 Repeat steps 1 through 4 for each remote panel. Remember that no more than 16 remote panels can be added to a single subnet.
- 6 Important! Click Apply Updates to send the changes to the selected frames. Only those frames with ‘Update’ checked are updated. The changes are stored in the frames’ internal configuration data.
- 7 Remember to cycle power after you change a rotary switch.
- How to Change Ethernet Settings
- 2 Locate the row listing the frame you want to update.
- 3 In the same row, click in cell listed in the column displaying the ‘IP Address’, ‘Subnet Mask’ or ‘Gateway IP’ information you want to update. The field activates.
- 4 Type in the new value. It is recommended that you leave the subnet masks at unless you are a developer. If updating IP addresses, click the cell in the ‘IP Address’ column and use the following formulas:
- 5 To save your current changes, press Enter or Tab on your keyboard, or click in another field.
- 6 Repeat steps 2 through 5 until all changes have been made. The ‘Update’ check box automatically displays a check mark if you update any of the information.
- 7 Important! Click Apply Updates to send the changes to the selected frames. Only those frames with ‘Update’ checked are updated. The changes are stored in the frames’ internal configuration data.
- 5. Configuring Router Levels
- Overview
- Levels and Partitions
- Using the ‘Configure Router Levels’ Page
- How to Create or Update a Level
- 1 From the left-hand navigation area, expand the ‘CR Series Network Setup’ pane and click ‘Configure Router Levels’.
- 2 On the ‘Configure Router Levels’ page, in the ‘Setup Crosspoint Ranges for Levels’ section locate the row listing the level being updated and make changes as described in the following steps.
- 3 On the same row, click in the ‘Level Number’ or ‘Level Name’ cell to activate the field and enter new values, if desired. Level numbers are limited to 1 to 250 and must be unique. Level names are limited to 16 characters.
- 4 Define the physical start and endpoints for the level. These are the actual I/O connections on the router:
- 5 In the ‘Controller Input Start’ and ‘Controller Destination Start’ columns, assign a starting point to the partitions. In the ...
- 6 When you have finished defining levels, click Update Router Levels to send the partition data to the routers.
- How to Create Multiple Levels
- How to Delete a Level
- Overview
- 6. Setting Up Machine Control Routers
- An Overview of Machine Control Routers
- Viewing Machine Control Router Crosspoints
- Machine Control Router Port Types
- Using the ‘Setup Machine Control Router’ Page
- How to Select a Machine Control Router
- How to Change a Port Type
- 2 Select the router and locate the row listing the ‘Port Number’ you want to update.
- 3 On the row, click in the ‘Port Type’ column. A drop-down menu appears:
- 4 From the drop-down menu, select a new port type. There are five types of ports: ‘Controlled’, ‘Controlling’, ‘Dynamic’, ‘Master’ and ‘Slave’. For a complete description, see An Overview of Machine Control Routers on page 31.
- 5 Click Update Router. CRSC uploads the port configurations to the router.
- An Overview of Machine Control Routers
- 7. Programming Remote Panels
- Overview
- Configuring Remote Panels
- “Captive” Panels
- About Salvos
- Using the ‘Program Remote Panels’ Page
- Button Functions
- How to View an Existing Panel Configuration
- How to Create a New Panel Configuration
- 2 Click New. The ‘New Control Panel’ dialog box appears.
- 3 From the drop-down list select a control panel type. The top and middle sections display configuration options for the type of control panel selected.
- 4 In the ‘Remote Panel’ section, define functions for each button:
- 5 In the ‘Device Name/Button Label’ field, type a name for the button and press Enter on your keyboard. The text displays on the...
- 6 In the ‘Panel Mode’ field, from the drop-down list select a mode of operation: ‘Standard’, ‘Enhanced - Hold’, or ‘Enhanced - No Hold’. For a description of each mode, see Remote Panel Modes on page 38.
- 7 When you have finished defining button functions, click Update Panel to write the button configuration to the remote panel.
- 8 Important! Click Save to File to save the configuration in your PC’s file system. The extension for panel configuration files is .pfg.
- How to Change a Button Function
- 2 Click the ‘Remote Panels’ tab at the bottom of the page to bring it forward and then click the ‘Edit/Update’ radio button in the row listing the panel you want to update. The remote panel’s configuration displays in the page.
- 3 In the ‘Remote Panel’ section at the top of the page, click on the button you want to update.
- 4 When you have finished defining button functions, click Update Panel to write the button configuration to the remote panel.
- 5 Important! Click Save to File to save the configuration in your PC’s file system. The extension for panel configuration files is .pfg.
- How to Change a Button Label
- 2 Click the ‘Remote Panels’ tab at the bottom of the page to bring it forward and then click the ‘Edit/Update’ radio button in the row listing the panel you want to update. The remote panel’s configuration displays in the page.
- 3 In the ‘Remote Panel’ section at the top of the page, click on the button you want to update.
- 4 In the ‘Device Name/Button Label’ field, type a name for the button and press Enter on your keyboard. The text displays on the button.
- 5 When you have finished defining button functions, click Update Panel to write the button configuration to the remote panel.
- 6 Repeat Steps 2 through 5 until all buttons have been defined.
- 7 Important! Click Save to File to save the configuration in your PC’s file system. The extension for panel configuration files is .pfg.
- How to Change the Panel Operation Mode
- 2 Click the ‘Remote Panels’ tab at the bottom of the page to bring it forward and then click the ‘Edit/Update’ radio button in the row listing the panel you want to update. The remote panel’s configuration displays in the page.
- 3 In the ‘Remote Panel’ section at the top of the page, click on the button you want to update.
- 4 In the ‘Panel Mode’ field, from the drop-down list select a mode of operation: ‘Standard’, ‘Enhanced - Hold’, or ‘Enhanced - No Hold’. For a description of each mode, see Remote Panel Modes on page 38.
- 5 When you have finished defining button functions, click Update Panel to write the button configuration to the remote panel.
- 6 Important! Click Save to File to save the configuration in your PC’s file system. The extension for panel configuration files is .pfg.
- Overview
- 8. Viewing Router Crosspoints
- 9. Firmware Updates
- Discussion
- Using the ‘Firmware Updates’ Page
- How to Update Firmware
- 2 (Optional) Clear the ‘Only update if versions are different’ check box if you want to force every selected device to be update...
- 3 Click Update Firmware. The ‘Select the Compact Router Firmware’ dialog box appears.
- 4 Browse to select a firmware file. (The file extension of a firmware file is .CRF.) and click OK. The updates begins and a progress bar displays.
- 5 When the firmware update completes, it displays a status report.
- 6 Click Save... to save this report as a .txt file to print or review later.
- How to View Past Update Reports
- How to Reset Frames
- Discussion
- 10. Lock Maintenance
- 11. Setup NV9000 Remote Panel
- Discussion
- Using the ‘Setup NV9000 Remote Panel’ Page
- How to Setup an NV9000 Remote Panel
- 2 On the ‘Remote Panel’ tab in the ‘Network Frame Summary’ section, click the ‘Edit/Update’ radio button on the row listing the remote panel being updated.
- 3 Check the ‘Enable NV9000 Mode’ check box to enable NV9000 control of the panel.
- 4 Assign an ‘NV9000 Panel ID’ in the field provided. The identification number must be unique and contain no special characters or punctuation marks. By default, the ID number is the last six digits of the panel’s IP address.
- 5 Check ‘Use DHCP to acquire IP Address’ to have the panel’s currently assigned IP address overridden by an IP address acquired through a DHCP server on the NV9000. If you are unfamiliar with DHCP servers, contact your System Administrator.
- 6 Click Update Remote Panel to send the updated status to the panel and enable NV9000 control.
- How to Disable NV9000 Control
- 2 On the ‘Remote Panel’ tab in the ‘Network Frame Summary’ section, click the ‘Edit/Update’ radio button on the row listing the remote panel being updated.
- 3 Click on the ‘Enable NV9000 Mode’ check box to remove the check mark.
- 4 Click Update Remote Panel to send the updated status to the panel and disable NV9000 control.
- Discussion
- 12. Tutorials
- 13. Operating Panels
- Control Panel Buttons
- Power Up and Reset
- Performing Takes
- Normal Takes
- Breakaway Takes
- Example - Breakaway in Standard Mode
- 2 Select level SD (only). Press source 1.
- 3 Select level A12 only. Press source 3.
- 4 Select levels A34 and A56 only. Press source 4.
- Example - Breakaway in Enhanced Mode without Hold - Variant 1
- 2 Select just level SD. Press source 1.
- 3 Select just level A12. Press source 3.
- 4 Select both A34 and A56. Press source 4.
- Example - Breakaway in Enhanced Mode without Hold - Variant 2
- 2 Do not press a level button. Press source 1.
- 3 Press level CTL. Press source 4.
- Example - Breakaway in Enhanced Mode with Hold
- 2 Select just level SD. Press source 1.
- 3 Select just A12. Press source 3.
- 4 Select just A34 and A56. Press source 4.
- CP3201 Takes
- Example - Normal Take for CP3201
- Example - Breakaway for CP3201 in Standard Mode
- 2 Select just level A12. Press source 3.
- 3 Select just levels A34 and A56. Press source 4.
- Example - Breakaway for CP3201 in Enhanced Mode with Hold
- 2 Select just A12. Press source 3.
- 3 Select just A34 and A56. Press source 4.
- Example - Breakaway Take for CP3201 in Enhanced Mode without Hold
- 2 Select just A12. Press source 3.
- 3 Select both A34 and A56. Press source 4.
- Machine Control Takes
- CQX Takes
- Performing Locks
- Executing Salvos
- Performing Level Selection
- 14. Glossary
- Index