3 creating or modifying a user group, 4 deleting a user group, Creating or modifying a user group – Grass Valley K2 TX/MAM User Manual v.2.2 User Manual

Page 19: Deleting a user group

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TX/MAM User Manual - document version: 2.2 – Page 19

Example User.

You need superuser or administrator rights to work with Users and User Groups.

7.1.3 Creating or modifying a User Group

Click the

User groups menu item.

Click the

Add button.

Specify a

Name for the group.

Add a short description of the Group in the

Description field.

Activate the

Administrators option if you want to assign administrator rights to the group [see

paragraph 7.1.2].

Activate the

Superuser option if you want to assign superuser rights to the group [see paragraph


Select the

Asset type(s) this group is allowed to work with.

Set rights for TX/Dashboard.


Save to save changes, Cancel to discard.

7.1.4 Deleting a User group

Click the

User groups menu item.

Select the User group you want to delete.


Edit group window opens, now click the Delete button. Click OK to delete the group, Cancel

to discard.