Bestobell Steam IB18V Series Vertical Bucket Trap User Manual
Read instructions, Pre-installation, Operation

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Phone 513-533-5600 • Fax 513-871-0105
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Inverted Bucket Traps (IBV)
Installation & Maintenance Instructions for
Bestobell Steam Inverted Bucket Traps (IBV)
Warning: Bestobell Steam products must only be used, installed and repaired in accordance with these Installation
& Maintenance Instructions. Observe all applicable public and company codes and regulations. In the event of leak-
age or other malfunction, call a qualified service person; continued operation may cause system failure or a general
hazard. Prior to servicing equipment, disconnect, shut off, drain and/or bypass all pressurized fluids.
Read Instructions
The Bestobell Steam IB18V, IB21V and IB41V Series of
inverted bucket steam traps provide long, trouble-free
service if they are correctly installed and maintained. These
traps are of the vertical design and are available in cast
iron for pressures to 250 psig or carbon steel for higher
operating pressures. They feature all stainless steel internal
components. The replaceable valve components are of
hardened stainless steels. Each of these “V” versions are
designed for vertical piping installations, where the conden-
sate is brought into the trap at the bottom and discharge is
from the top of the traps. A few minutes of your time spent
reading these instructions and installing the traps as sug-
gested, will save hours of trouble and downtime later.
Blowdown piping to remove any foreign material.
Verify that your Bestobell steam trap will meet
system conditions by checking the nameplate for op-
erating differential pressure and maximum pressure
and temperature limits of the trap body.
Inverted bucket traps are selected based on con-
densate load, not pipe size. Verify that selection
included a safety position.
These style traps can only operate properly with the
trap body and the internal bucket in a vertical position.
This requires that the only recommended installa-
tion where the piping is arranged to flow vertically
upward. The trap’s cover assembly must be upper-
most, and the body plumb. Any variation could result
in failure to operate properly as the internal bucket
could rub along the inside of the trap.
Install trap in an accessible location for future check-
ing and maintenance.
Isolation valves should always be installed on either
side of the trap for service purposes.
For Process, Heating, or Dripleg applications; these
inverted bucket style traps should be located off of
a condensate collecting pocket, with the top of the
trap below the condensate outlet of the equipment.
See typical installation figure.
Bestobell Steam’s IB18V, IB21V, and IB41V inverted
bucket traps feature simple internal stainless steel com-
ponents that move to close the valve seat when steam
enters the trap underneath the bucket assembly. As the
steam condenses within the inverted bucket, the bucket
drops down within the trap body. Through a linkage
arrangement, the valve is opened and condensate is
allowed to pass through. Air venting of non-condensable
gases is through a small bleed hole drilled in the top of
the inverted bucket.
Check that pipe threads are clean and free of shav-
ings. Use proper thread sealant for steam service.
Where possible, arrange the piping such that con-
densate flows to the trap by gravity.
Trap each piece of equipment separately.
Locate the trap at the lowest point, preferably be-
low the equipment outlet.
On most applications, the trap should be a mini-
mum of 10” below the equipment outlet. This drop
acts as a reservoir for condensate level changes.
Arrange piping and trap location to be easily acces-
sible for inspection and repair.
Install bypasses only if required for maintenance.
Shutoff valves, unions, and test “tee” after a trap
should be installed to provide easier operation,
maintenance, and testing.
Install an in-line strainer before the trap.
Install check valves after trap, especially if the
equipment or system being drained is not in con-
tinuous operation.
Check all pipe sizes to prevent restricted flows, espe-
cially in condensate return lines. Undersized returns
are a major cause of poor system performance.
Insulation after the trap is ideal, but do not insulate
the trap.
Observe all applicable public and company codes
and regulation concerning steam and condensate
When starting for first time, apply steam to equip-
ment, then open block valve before trap slowly. This
allows condensate to fill bucket area and establish
the prime of water.
Refer to example illustrations for installations suggestions.