Bestobell Steam PT Series Float & Thermostatic Trap User Manual
Please read these instructions, Ideal installation, Installation & operation

3170 Wasson Road • Cincinnati, OH 45209 USA
Phone 513-533-5600 • Fax 513-871-0105
[email protected] •
PT Series
Installation & Maintenance Instructions for
Bestobell Steam PT Series Traps
Warning: Bestobell Steam products must only be used, installed and repaired in accordance with these Installation
& Maintenance Instructions. Observe all applicable public and company codes and regulations. In the event of leak-
age or other malfunction, call a qualified service person; continued operation may cause system failure or a general
hazard. Prior to servicing equipment, disconnect, shut off, drain and/or bypass all pressurized fluids.
Please Read These Instructions
The Bestobell PT Series will provide you with long, trouble-
free service if it is correctly installed and maintained. A few
minutes of your time spent reading these instructions may
save hours of trouble and downtime later.
Ideal Installation
Prior to installation:
Blow out piping to remove any scale or dirt.
Verify that your Bestobell steam trap will meet system
conditions by checking the nameplate for operating
differential pressure and maximum pressure and
temperature limits of the trap body.
Installation & Operation
Bestobell float & thermostatic steam traps feature double
inlet and double outlet connections (see installation
below). However, only one mounting position is possible,
with the outlet positioned below the inlet. All unused
ports should be plugged.
The ball float is connected by a lever to the valve and
seat and, once the condensate reaches a certain level
in the trap, the float begins to rise. This opens the orifice
and the condensate drains until the float is lowered and
the valve rests tightly on the seat. The float is positioned
above the orifice so the condensate forms a water seat
and eliminates the loss of any live steam.
At the top of the trap is a thermostatic air vent that
discharges all air and noncondensible gases as soon as
they reach the trap. This allows for maximum condensate
drainage. The air vent reacts to the system temperature
and will close at a temperature a few degrees below
saturation to prevent steam leakage. A drain plug is
located at the bottom of the trap body to permit easy
flushing of dirt.
Note: Trap users sometimes confuse flash steam with
leaking steam. If the steam blows out continuously in a
blue steam, it’s leaking steam. If steam floats out intermit-
tently each time the trap discharges, in a whitish cloud,
it’s flash steam. If traps are found to be leaking steam, the
following steps should be taken in the order shown.
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