Airlink RTW026 User Manual
Page 50

Wireless Broadband Router User’s Manual
Available Services:
This lists all the available services.
Type the name that you want to add for a new service.
Choose the type for the new service.
Start Port:
For TCP and UDP Services, enter the beginning of the range of port numbers used by the
service. If the service uses a single port number, enter it in both the “Start” and “Finish”
End Port:
For TCP an UDP Services, enter the end of the range of port numbers used by the service.
If the service uses a single port number, enter it in both the “Start” and “Finish” fields.
ICMP Type:
For ICMP Services, enter the type number of the required service.
Use this to delete any Service you have added.
Close this window.
Type in the necessary information and click Add. A new one will be displayed on the box of Available Services.
Then, click Close to return to the previous web page.
URL Filter
The URL Filter allows you to block access to undesirable Web Sites.
To use this feature, you must define “filter strings”. If the “filter strings” appears in a requested URL, the request is
Content Filter
The Content Filter allows you to block the receiving undesirable web pages with text you type in this field.
To use this feature, you must define the “content”. If the content appears in a web page, that page is not allowed to
display on your computer.
NAT(Network Address Translation) allows multiple users at your local site to access the Internet through a single
public IP address or multiple public IP addresses. NAT can also prevent hacker attacks by mapping local addresses to
public addresses for key services such as the Web or FTP.