ZeeVee ZvCli User Manual User Manual
Page 32

Zv‐Cli v1_3 www.zeevee.com
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Advanced MPEG2 and Transport Controls
set mpeg2 audio‐delay <1..10>
factory default: 4
set mpeg2 dc‐coefficient‐size {8‐bit | 9‐bit | 10‐bit | 11‐bit}
factory default: 10‐bit
set mpeg2 program video1 program‐number <1..65535>
factory default: 1
set mpeg2 starting‐pid‐number <32..8190>
factory default: 256
System Maintenance Commands (Require connection via USB and ZvCli)
download check
Requires an Internet connection
download firmware
Requires an Internet connection
download zvcli
Requires an Internet connection
script read‐config‐from‐file
script write‐config‐to‐file
send troubleshooting‐report
Requires an Internet connection
Advanced Firmware Download and Installation Commands (Require connection via USB and ZvCli)
download advanced show‐downloadable‐firmware [passphrase “phrase”]
download advanced get‐downloadable‐firmware model {ZvPro‐250 | ZvBox‐150} [filename “name”]
download advanced show‐downloaded‐firmware
download advanced install‐downloaded‐firmware filename “name”
download advanced remove‐downloaded‐firmware
Miscellaneous commands
system transmit‐ir {video‐source‐component | video‐source‐vga | video‐source‐idle‐screen}
set date year
set zvbox‐name “name”
limited to 16 chars ‐ upper/lower case letters, numbers, underscore and hyphen
set led‐brightness {high | medium | low | off}
factory default: high
set select‐button {enabled | disabled}
factory default: enabled
set to‐factory‐defaults
system reboot
system restart
system identify
quit –or‐ exit
# ‐ start of comment, only available when using script files
Shortcuts for using the CLI
Hitting up‐arrow will show the previous command (back into history)
Hitting down‐arrow will show the next command
Communications Problems
If the ZvBox is operating in “Managed‐mode” and ZvManager is running, you need to stop ZvManager before
ZvCli can connect to the ZvBox. If you are still having problems,
make sure ZvCli is running and ZvManager (if installed) is closed
disconnect and reconnect the USB cable between ZvBox and the computer
If that does not work, power‐cycle ZvBox. After a few minutes, ZvCli should report that it is connected
Serial Port Specifications:
Protocol: RS‐232, 9,600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, software (Xon / Xoff) flow control