Device, Requirements – Westermo WeConfig User Manual
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The WeConfig tool is designed for handling Westermo devices running WeOS version
4.13 or later.
The tool will however find and try to display some information about other types of
devices too. Regarding earlier WeOS versions, some features might be functional, though
not supported.
To following functionality must be enabled on the managed switches/routers to get the
most out of the tool:
• IPConfig protocol
• HTTPS (Web) must be enabled on port 433. Administrator password must be setup
in the WeConfig project settings dialogue.
• SNMP protocol.
* The read community has to be set. The same read community has to be setup
in WeConfig procect settings dialogue.
* The SNMP trap host has to be set to the IP-address of the WeConfig PC if
traps should be listed in WeConfig. For full functionality MS Windows Trap Host
server needs to be disabled. WeConfig has its own built in trap host server.
• LLDP protocol
• SSH must be enabled
The functionality dependent on the respective item above is described below.
• Information gathering from the device, including topology information to be able to
draw a device map is performed using SNMP. The topology information gathered
using SNMP requires the LLDP protocol to be enabled on the devices.
• Link information and automatic unit discovery may be performed if SNMP traps are
set up on the devices. The topology map will mark link status based on link traps
received, and new devices connected may be automatically discovered through link
• Basic Setup uses the IPConfig protocol to configure devices. IPConfig protocol must
be enabled on the devices to use Basic Setup.
• Backup, restore and firmware upgrade all use the HTTPS interface.
• Upgrade with HTTPS-upload method uses the HTTPS interface.
• All configuration functions are performed using SSH; hence, SSH has to be enabled
on the target devices.
To be able to launch an interactive SSH session to the devices (e.g. via context menu), an
external SSH client must be set up in the tool settings.